Public Resources
This section of the documentation provides detailed information on the shared library of resources that we have made available to you.
Resources By Type
Extractors Actions | #azure_file_save | Snapshot input file to Azure storage account |
General Actions | #eval_dates | Evaluate a date |
General Actions | #eval_expr | Evaluate an expression |
Extractors Actions | #extract_ahdb_url | Extract content from a HTTP URL |
Curves Scripts | #CURVE_BUILDING | All the functions for building curves |
Agriculture Transformers | #AHDB_DAIRY | Extract content from AHDB WebSite |
Resources By Category
Agriculture Transformers | #AHDB_DAIRY | Extract content from AHDB WebSite |
Curves Scripts | #CURVE_BUILDING | All the functions for building curves |
Extractors Actions | #azure_file_save | Snapshot input file to Azure storage account |
Extractors Actions | #extract_ahdb_url | Extract content from a HTTP URL |
General Actions | #eval_dates | Evaluate a date |
General Actions | #eval_expr | Evaluate an expression |