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Curve Quality

Configuring quality groups

Quality check process

Each quality assurance check is evaluated in the order they are configured.

The quality check function should return one of the following values:

  • valid - There are no issues with this curve (this is the default)
  • warning - There are some minor issues with this curve
  • failed - There are serious issues with this curve

Once all the checks are complete, the worst status is saved to the curve


  • Any additions to the #LOG variable are saved to a quality section in the curve build information
  • If the quality check fails to run, the status is set as warning and the error message is placed into the #LOG

Quality checks


The following variables are set into the context:

  • #CURVE - the built curve that we are checking (read only)
  • #INFO - The curve management info for this curve (read only)
  • #BUILD - The curve management build information for this ondate (read only)
  • #LOG - An object where the script can output info about the check - this will be saved in the build info<