Alerts 🆕
Creating and using alerts for pro-active monitoring
Creating and using alerts for pro-active monitoring
General information about creating Excel Insight Reports
General information about creating Item Insight Reports
Forward curve data type
The options available for managing your forward curves
How to quality assure your curves
This guide takes you through the extensive auditing within OpenDataDSL and how you can utilise it to monitor what has changed in the system and track changes over time
This guide explains how to create your own data models, load data into them and utilise them in processes and reports
An explanation of how to use the data monitoring capabilities
This guide takes you through how data subscriptions work
Transformers are a simple definition that allows you to map data from a single object to a list of objects or rows
This guide takes you through how we track changes to all elements in OpenDataDSL and how you can take advantage of multiple versions and follow an audit trail of every change made.
This section explains how to create, use and query geospatial data stored within OpenDataDSL
General information about Insight Reports
What are forward curves?
This guide shows you how to use events to load transactional data
Matrix handling in OpenDataDSL
Connect services with your own on-premise services and applications
Creating and using metrics to monitor the platform
The basics of creating and running reports
General help and information on how security policies work
Creating and using smart feeds for collecting data
The basics of event-driven programming in OpenDataDSL
Creating and using Operational Support Documentation
A subscription target to automate sending data to an Azure Blob
A subscription target to build a SMART curve
A subscription target to automate sending emails
A subscription target to POST data to a JIRA Automation
A subscription target to trigger process executions
A subscription target to publish data to another tenant
A subscription target to send a message to a queue
A subscription target to run a report
A subscription target to run an ODSL script
A subscription target to push data to a list of other targets
A subscription target to POST data to a Teams Channel webhook
A subscription target to POST data to a webhook
Timeseries data type
What are User Tasks?
Creating and using actions, workflows, scripts and processes