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Reporting Basics

What is reporting?

Reporting in OpenDataDSL is a way of creating a document which represents a report which can be rendered as HTML, JSON or read into Excel.

Report configuration

A report is based on a user defined configuration with the following properties:

_idUnique IdString
categoryThe user-defined category of the report used to organise reportsString
nameThe user-friendly name of the reportString
descriptionA description of the reportString
fixedA flag indicating that this report is manually updated rather than calculatedBoolean
scriptThe name of the script used to run this reportString
expressionThe expression to use to run this report, e.g. a function nameString
templateThe mustache template name used to format the results of the report as HTMLString
tagsA list of tags for the reportList

Report configurations are versioned, so they also contain version information:

_versionThe auto-incrementing version numberInteger
_userThe user who created this versionString
_timestampThe timestamp of when this version was createdDate
_tagVersion tags used to identify this version by a user-friendly name, e.g. PRODList


A report contains all the information from the configuration that built/saved it, plus the following:

dataThe actual report data that was createdAny
scriptVersionThe version number of the script that was used to generate this reportInteger
errorMessageAn error message if this script failedString
startThe start date of the range used to build this reportDate
endThe end date of the range used to build this reportDate

A report is also versioned, so it contains version information too.

Creating a report


Script is an optional property that defines the name of the ODSL script used to create a report.

The script must contain functions, like the example below, and you use the expression property to specify which function to call and give the parameters.

Here is an example of a script to create a report

* @category report
* Example functions for creating reports

function userMetrics()
userMetrics = aggregate ${metric}
match user != null and timestamp >= #START and timestamp <= #END
group _id="$user", value=sum(1)

There are 2 variables created in the report context #START and #END representing the start and end dates of the range used when running this report.


Expression is the property that defines the command to run, which is usually the function call to the script, but can be a standalone expression, e.g.


For the example using the script above, our expression would be:



Fixed is a boolean property to indicate that this report does not use a script or expression and is manually updated by a user.

An example configuration for a fixed report:

FIXED_EXAMPLE = Report() = "Fixed Report Example"
FIXED_EXAMPLE.description = "An example of how to use a fixed report"
FIXED_EXAMPLE.fixed = true

Saving a fixed report - you can save any variable as a report and it will save as data for the report with the same id as the variable, e.g.

FIXED_EXAMPLE.title = "This is my new report" = ["This", "is", "some", "data"]
save ${report:FIXED_EXAMPLE}


Template is an optional property and is the name of a mustache template saved as a script in OpenDataDSL.

If you don't specify a template, the resultant report will be json except in the following situation:

If the report is an array of objects, and the objects all have the same property names, a dynamic template is used to show the data as a HTML table.

An example mustache template for the user metrics function:

<h1>Usage Metrics by User</h1>


<p>For the range: {{start}} - {{end}}</p>

{{# data }}
{{/ data }}

Tools to create a report

  • Select Reports
  • Select Private.
  • Click the + New button

    You will see a sidebar dialog like this to enter details of the report configuration

Report Configuration Dialog

  • Enter a unique id for this report in the Id field
  • Type a category for this report, this is used to group similar reports together to make them easier to navigate
  • Enter a name and description for this report
  • Select an ODSL report script from the drop-down list
  • Type in the name of the function to run in the expression box, or leave blank if you just need to run the script directly
  • Optionally select a template from the dropdown list of mustache template to format this report into HTML.
  • Click the Save button to save this configuration

Running a report


You can't run a fixed report

There are 2 ways to run a report:

  • Dynamically run a report to see what it looks like without saving
  • Run and save a report

Dynamically running a report

  • Select Reports
  • Select Public for public reports or Private for your own reports.
  • Find the report you want to run by filtering or scrolling
  • Specify the date range you want to run the report for using the range selector
  • Click the Run button

Run and save a report

  • Select Reports
  • Select Public for public reports or Private for your own reports.
  • Find the report you want to run by filtering or scrolling
  • Specify the date range you want to run the report for using the range selector
  • Click the Run button