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Support Documentation


This topic covers how you can create operational support documentation and link it to processes and curves to be displayed in the portal.

Creating documentation​

All documentation is written in Markdown format which will then be converted into HTML to be displayed in the portal.

The file extension for markdown is .md and these files can be created in Visual Studio Code and uploaded into OpenDataDSL using our VSCode extension.

File layout​

At the top of your markdown file, you should add some head matter which is used to describe the documentation.

Example head matter​

scope: process
name: Information about the AHDB Dairy file loader
language: en
- agriculture

The head matter sets properties on the documentation as detailed below:

  • scope

    The service or category of the documentation

    If scope is omitted or there is no head matter, scope will be the name of the file

  • entity (optional)

    The id of the documentation which will be combined with the scope

  • name (optional)

    A descriptive name for the documentation

  • language (optional - defaults to en)

    The ISO 639-1 language code that this documentation is written in

  • tags (optional)

    A list of tags used to find and filter documentation

Full file example​

Below is an example markdown documentation file with head matter:

scope: process
name: Information about the AHDB Dairy file loader
language: en
- agriculture
## AHDB Dairy Data

Load some milk etc.


When this documentation is retrieved as HTML, it will look like this:

<h2>AHDB Dairy Data</h2>
<p>Load some milk etc.</p>

Uploading documentation​

From within Visual Studio Code, you can directly upload the documentation.


The file MUST have the extension .md

The process to upload is as follows:

  • Right-click anywhere in the document
  • Select Upload this document from the context menu

Linking documents​

You can link documents to most entities, but the most useful are:

  • Process
  • Curve

To add a link to an existing process, you can use ODSL code as shown below:


The id you use for the documentation link is formatted as scope:entity

If there is no entity defined, then the id will be scope

p = ${process:"AHDB_DAIRY_DATA"}
p.add("Support", ref("documentation", "process:AHDB_DAIRY_DATA"))
save p