Metrics 🆕
There are various metrics that are captured as you use the platform which can be used to help you investigate issues and pro-actively ensure that issues are caught as early as possible.
Metric Providers​
Metric providers represent a specific source of stored metrics, at present these are:
- ODSLRequest
Metrics for every API request made to the platform
- ODSLProcess
Metrics for process executions
- AzureServiceBus
Metrics for the messaging subsystem
With every API call to the platform, irrespective of the calling application, a metric record is stored capturing key information about the call.
The following metrics are available:
Name | Description |
ReadRequestResponseSize | The size of the response returned to the client in bytes |
ReadRequestDuration | The duration in milliseconds of the call |
ReadRequests | The count of read requests |
WriteRequests | The count of write requests |
DeleteRequests | The count of delete requests |
Field Filters​
The following fields are available to filter on:
Name | Description |
service | The name of the REST service, e.g. data |
key | The id of the item in the request |
action | The actual action performed by the request, e.g. list |
application | The application making the request, e.g. portal |
httpstatus | The HTTP status number of the request |
user | The user id or email address of the user making the request |
You can query the metrics stored for every process execution.
The following metrics are available:
Name | Description |
RunRequests | The count of the number of process executions |
RunRequestDuration | The overall duration in milliseconds of the call |
Field Filters​
The following fields are available to filter on:
Name | Description |
name | The name of the process |
trigger | The trigger for the process execution, e.g. scheduled |
status | The final status of the process execution, e.g. success |
The following metrics are available:
Name | Description |
SuccessfulRequests | Successful requests |
ServerErrors | Server errors |
UserErrors | User errors |
ThrottledRequests | Throttled requests |
IncomingRequests | Incoming requests |
IncomingMessages | Incoming messages |
OutgoingMessages | Outgoing messages |
ActiveConnections | Active connections |
ConnectionsOpened | Connections opened |
ConnectionsClosed | Connections closed |
Size | Size of an Queue/Topic in Bytes |
Messages | Count of messages in a Queue/Topic |
ActiveMessages | Count of active messages in a Queue/Topic |
DeadletteredMessages | Count of dead-lettered messages in a Queue/Topic |
ScheduledMessages | Count of scheduled messages in a Queue/Topic |
CompleteMessage | Count of messages completed on a Queue/Topic |
AbandonMessage | Count of messages abandoned on a Queue/Topic |
PendingCheckpointOperationCount | Pending Checkpoint Operations Count |
ServerSendLatency | Latency of Send Message operations for Service Bus resources |
ReplicationLagDuration | Replication lag by time duration in seconds |
ReplicationLagCount | Replication lag by message count |
Field Filters​
The following fields are available to filter on:
Name | Description |
queue | The name of the queue |
Using Metrics​
Metrics can be extracted as timeseries and can be either:
- Used dynamically by passing in configuration information
- Used as a regular timeseries by saving the configuration as a MetricTimeSeries
Dynamic metric timeseries​
- OpenDataDSL
// Get the average duration of read requests for object AAA
mts = metric("ODSLRequest/ReadRequestDuration", "#PT15M", "averaged", "between(T-1Dh0m0s0,T-1Dh23m59s59)", ?service='object' and key='AAA')
print mts
// Get the total number of run requests for all processes
mts = metric("ODSLProcess/RunRequests", "#PT15M", "summed", "between(T-1Dh0m0s0,T-1Dh23m59s59)")
print mts
### Virtual metrics for request durations of the object service
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Virtual metrics for highest response sizes for the data service
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Virtual metrics for calendar
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Stored metric timeseries​
- OpenDataDSL
cal = ${calendar:"#PT1H"}
AAA = Object() = "ODSL.METRICS.REQUEST" = "ODSL request metrics"
// Create a metric timeseries to sum up all requests to the user service
ReadRequests_1h = MetricTimeSeries("ODSLRequest", "ReadRequests")
ReadRequests_1h.calendar = cal
ReadRequests_1h.observed = "summed"
ReadRequests_1h.filter = ?service='user'
AAA.ReadRequests_1h = ReadRequests_1h
// Create a metric timeseries average the active messages in the etrm queue
ActiveMessages = MetricTimeSeries("AzureServiceBus", "ActiveMessages")
ActiveMessages.calendar = cal
ActiveMessages.filter = ?queue='etrm'
AAA.ActiveMessages = ActiveMessages
save AAA
### Create a metric timeseries
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"_type": "VarMetricTimeSeries",
"provider": "ODSLProcess",
"metric": "RunRequests",
"calendar": "#PT1H",
"observed": "summed"