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QuickStart Module

This quickstart module gives an overview of how you can connect to the remote services, creating some data and storing it in the cloud.

Active Variables

The OpenDataDSL remote services are exposed in the language using a syntax known as Active Variables. Active variables are also used for non-remote services such as the memory and date service.

The basic syntax for an active variable is:


Active variables are used in the following scenarios:

  • Searching
  • Aggregating
  • Reading a single entity
  • Saving an entity
  • Deleting an entity
  • Tagging a version of an entity
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Variable Services

Variable services consist of a date service for making it easier to work with dates and the memory service which allows you to store and re-load the current memory state.

Date service examples:

// Use the date service to create various dates
print ${date:"today"}
print ${date:"yesterday"}
print ${date:"tomorrow"}

print ${date:"startofweek"}
print ${date:"endofweek"}
print ${date:"startofmonth"}
print ${date:"endofmonth"}
print ${date:"startofyear"}
print ${date:"endofyear"}

print ${date:"thursday"}
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Memory service examples:

// Same current memory to a file
save ${memory:file/"c:/temp/memory.json"}

// Reload memory
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Remote Services

Remote services interact with the OpenDataDSL remote services allowing you to find, create, read, update and delete entities.

Remote service examples:

// Create a private type
TypeCRUD = type
name as String() default "test"
save ${type:TypeCRUD}

// Get a list of private types
tl = find ${type}
for tp in tl

// Read private type
tc = ${type:"TypeCRUD"}

// Delete private type
delete ${type:"TypeCRUD":*}
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External Services

External services allow you to interact with the outside world, and are mainly used for collecting data from websites and dealing with different file formats.

External service examples:

// Grab one of the UCI data sets for Balloons

csvdata = ${csv:"","headerpos=0"}
print csvdata.size
for row in csvdata
print row

// XML examples showing use of an xpath selector

print xmldata

xmldata=${xml:"", "selector=[currency]"}
print xmldata

xmldata=${xml:"", "selector=[currency='GBP']"}
print xmldata
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