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Searching and Filtering

This guide explains how to search and filter data


Searching for items in any service is performed using the _search query parameter. By default, the following fields are queried using a case-insensitive regex search:

  • _id
  • name
  • description

Single search term

You can search any resource by passing in the _search query parameter with a word or words to search for, for example to search for public objects with the term ‘europe’:

Multiple search terms

You can search for multiple search terms by using multiple words separated by spaces, e.g.
?_search=europe potato

AND search terms

The default search method is to find documents that match ALL search terms, known as an AND search term, e.g.
?_search=europe potato

In this case, every object must contain both the word europe and potato (case-insensitive).

OR search terms

If you want to find all objects with either the word europe or potato, you need to separate the words with a pipe '|', e.g.

NOT search terms

If you want to find all objects with that don't contain a search term, prefix the term with '-', e.g.
?_search=europe potato -germany

This will find all objects containing both the words europe and potato, but without the word germany

GROUP search terms

You can combine AND, OR and NOT search terms, but in order to do this effectively you will probably need to group the terms by using braces '()', e.g.
?_search=(europe | usa) potato

Search specific named fields

As stated above, the default search locates information in the _id, name and description fields only. If you want to search for text in a different field, you can explicitly name the field using the syntax field:term e.g.

You can combine this with standard search terms and named fields, e.g.
?_search=potato price location:belgium market:spot

You can also combine OR and NOT terms, e.g.
?_search=(potato|price) -location:belgium market:spot


There are 2 types of filtering: simple and complex.

Simple Filtering

Simple filtering can be used when you are looking for exact matches and a few helper functions, such as range to filter to a range of dates or values. For example you want to find all public objects with currency EUR, you can send the following request:

You can combine multiple filters, e.g. to find all public objects with currency EUR of class SPOT

Simple functions

There are functions that you use with your query as follows:

rangetimestamp=range(2021-01-01,2021-12-31)Filter the search list using a date field where you can restrict the range of dates
rangequantity=range(0,10)Filter the search list using a numeric field where you can restrict the range of values
equallocation=EuropeFilter the search list using a field and value
nelocation=ne(null)Filter the search list where a field is not equal to a value
inlocation=in(England, Germany)Filter the results where a field is one of a list of values
gtvalue=gt(4)Filter the results where a field value is greater than a supplied value
gtevalue=gte(4)Filter the results where a field value is greater than or equal to a supplied value
ltvalue=lt(4)Filter the results where a field value is less than a supplied value
ltevalue=lte(4)Filter the results where a field value is less than or equal to a supplied value
regexname=regex(.*type.*)Filter a field using a regex expression
withingeolocation=within(sphere([-2.6, 49.45], 0.007))Filter the search list where the geolocation is within a sphere denoted as sphere([longitude, latitude], distance)

Using within or any other geolocation queries, the distance is radians. To convert to distance use:

miles / 3963.2 km / 6378.1

Complex Filtering

Complex filtering is used when you want to express a query which involves more complex logic, such as logic ands and logic ors.

This can be achieved using a condition expression such as: (currency=EUR or currency=GBP) and unit=MT

?_filter=(currency=EUR or currency=GBP) and unit=MT

Combining Search and Filter

Simple filters

Search expressions can be combined with simple filters, for example:

Search and complex filters

If both the _search and _filter query parameters are passed, both are applied with an and logical parameter


This effectively performs a regex search in the title field for the word 'scene' and ands it with a filter on the imdb.rating field for any number greater than 7.

Field Projection

By default, all fields are returned from a search query. If you want to restrict the returned fields, you use the _project query parameter, e.g.

The above query returns only the _id, timestamp, user and id fields from the audit records.

Limit, Sort and Skip

You can use the _limit query parameter to limit the number of items returned in a query. You can use the _skip query parameter to skip some items returned in a query. You can use the _sort query parameter to sort the items returned in a query.


Specify the _limit parameter with a number defining the number of items you want to return, e.g.


Specify the _skip parameter with a number defining the number of items you want to skip, e.g. combined with limit


The _sort parameter can be expressed using JSON, e.g.

{"name":1,"location": -1}

Or as a simple string prefixing words with '-' to indicate a descending order, e.g.


Combining parameters

An example of search, project, limit, skip and sort