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Standards and Conventions

A useful guide to the conventions used within the REST API.

REST Remote Service URL

All the REST remote service resources are accessible through a single URL endpoint:


In order to use the REST API, you need to have a valid ID or ACCESS token and pass that as the Authorization header in the following way:

Authorization: Bearer <IDTOKEN>

Multiple Environments

By default all your requests will be routed to your production environment, but in order to use a different configured user environment, you need to pass an x-odsl-environment header, e.g.

x-odsl-environment: <ENVNAME>

Using GET body for large URLs

For any GET requests to the REST API where the URL is longer than 2048 characters, you can place the query parameters in the BODY of the GET request using the following configuration:

  • Set a Content-Type header as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • In the body, specify the query parameters

The query parameter keys and values are encoded in key-value tuples separated by '&', with a '=' between the key and the value. Non-alphanumeric characters in both keys and values are URL encoded.


Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



All the GET methods tagged in the documentation as PAGED break the list of results down into pages which you can control using the following query parameters:

_limitThe page size100
_skipThe number of records to skip0

As an example:

// Initial request

// The request to get the next 100 records

After making the request, you should check the response headers for x-total-count, this tells you the total number of records for the request.

Default page size

If you don't specify a _limit query parameter a default limit of 100 is applied

Unlimited items

You can specify a _limit of -1 for some services and request types to request all items without pagination

All Standard Parameters

The following table is a list of all the standard query parameters and their usage:

_sort_sort={“name”:1, “timestamp”:-1}Sorts the results of a query according to the field or fields passed in. The value must be 1 for sort ascending or -1 for sort descending
_limit_limit=100Limits the number of returned items
_skip_skip=100Skips the number of items specified
_search_search=londonSearches the data using the passed in search expression
_searchinfo_searchinfo=lonReturns a list of ‘auto-complete’ items starting with the expression passed in
_distinct_distinct=locationReturns an array of strings representing a distinct list of values from the named field
_reason_reason=New DataWhen added to POST or DELETE calls, sets the reason field in the audit trail
_profile_profile=SPOTUsed in a OBJECT service query to return DATA related to the object
_project_project=name, descriptionDefines a specific list of fields that you want returned from the service
_delay_delay=60000Defines the amount of milliseconds to delay running a manually triggered process
_range_range=last(10)Defines the date range that you want to return data from a TimeSeries
_replace_replace=trueIf set to true with an OBJECT POST query, it will replace the stored object with the provided object instead of merging the data into it


Time-series ranges can be one of:

  • last(n) - return the last n values
  • from(date) - return all data since date
  • between(date, date) - return all data between the 2 dates

Response Formats

By default, all REST responses are in JSON format. This section shows you how to work with different response formats.


CSV format is supported using the REST header: Accept: text/csv

Examples of retrieving data in CSV format:

### Master Data in CSV
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: text/csv

### Timeseries in CSV
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: text/csv

### Curve in CSV
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: text/csv


XML format is supported using the REST header Accept: application/xml

Examples of retrieving data in XML format:

### Master Data in XML
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: application/xml

### Timeseries in XML
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: application/xml

### Curve in XML
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: application/xml


You can create your own output format by uploading a custom mustache template and using the REST header Accept: text/html along with the _template query parameter.

Example of retrieving data using a custom format:

### Curve in HTML using a template
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Accept: text/html