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Discovery Guides - Tools
This discovery guide gives an overview of the applications that OpenDataDSL has to offer including some OpenSource tools that could help you find the inspiration for your data management experience.

Portal Overview

The OpenDataDSL Web Portal is the place to visit to create and manage your account and offers an ever-expanding wealth of functionality such as:

  • Process management
  • Process execution dashboard
  • Object and data visualisation including charting and interactive discovery
  • Forward curve building configuration management
  • Audit records
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Excel Add-in

The OpenDataDSL Excel Add-in provides functionality to read and update objects and data directly from within Microsoft Excel.

Like the Web Portal, the Excel Add-in is regularly updated with new and improved functionality.

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Microsoft Visual Studio Code Extension

The VS Code extension provides support for .odsl files which contain OpenDataDSL programming language code.

If you create a file with the extension odsl in VS Code, it will prompt you to install our extension. The extension adds support for:

  • Syntax highlighting ODSL scripts
  • Code completion
  • Problem highlighting
  • Hover support (showing information about the item under the pointer)
  • Code snippets
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Miscellaneous OpenSource Tools

As well as providing our off-the-shelf applications, we also have a number of OpenSource products accessible from GitHub which you are free to pull, use, change and extend.

Example repositories include:

  • Source code for a c# application to load subscriptions in a SQL Server database - Tutorial
  • ODSL source code examples