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Excel Add-in

Our free Microsoft Excel Add-in is a Microsoft approved Office 365 Add-in available from the Microsoft store. It can be used with both the Desktop version and Web version of Excel.


  • Create, read and update Master Data
  • Create, read and update Timeseries
  • Create, read and update Forward Curves
  • Create, read and update Matrices
  • Create, read and update Events
  • Read Reports

Products supported

  • Excel 2019 or later on Mac
  • Excel on Mac (Microsoft 365)
  • Excel on Windows (Microsoft 365)
  • Excel on the web


To add the OpenDataDSL Add-in to your Office 365 Excel:

  1. Go to the Home tab and click the Add-ins button.

  2. Select the Get Add-ins button

  1. In the Office Add-ins dialog, select STORE and in the search box and type opendatadsl or odsl
  1. Click the Add button to add it to your Excel

  2. Go to the Home tab and you should now see an OpenDataDSL Show Dashboard button

The dashboard

To show/hide the OpenDataDSL add-in task pane, use the Show Dashboard button available on the Home tab.

First time log-in

The first time you click on the Show Dashboard button you will be asked to log in. You should log in using the same corporate credentials you use to log into the ODSL Web Portal.

Using the Excel Add-in


The toolbar contains commands to help you work with your data

homeNavigates to the home screen
createContains commands to create new ODSL objects, timeseries, curves, and events
downloadContains commands to download ODSL objects, timeseries, curves, and events
uploadUpload new or updated data
refreshRefresh the data in your spreadsheet
settingsAdd-in settings
userCurrent user profile picture. The drop-menu contains commands to logout and to view copyright information

Finding Data

From the home screen in the dashboard, click one of Timeseries, Curves, Events or Master Data Records and type your search query into the search box to get a list of items. Entering further search terms will narrow down the items

In-Depth Information

Working with Master Data

Master Data Records in OpenDataDSL are the top level structures that contain information and links to all its associated data.

In-Depth Information

Working with TimeSeries

In-Depth Information

Working with Curves

In-Depth Information

Working with Curve Series

In-Depth Information

Working with Matrices

In-Depth Information

Working with Events

In-Depth Information

Working with Reports

In-Depth Information

Excel Functions

In-Depth Information