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The geoNear stage outputs documents in order of nearest to farthest from a specified point.

Read the official MongoDB documentation


geoNear has the following form:

geoNear options

Where options are:

  • near - The point for which to find the closest documents.
  • distanceField - the output field that contains the calculated distance
  • distanceMultiplier - an optional factor that all distances are multiplied by
  • includeLocs - an optional field to output the location used to calculate the distance
  • key - Optional. Specify the geospatial indexed field to use when calculating the distance
  • maxDistance - Optional. The maximum distance from the center point that the documents can be
  • minDistance - Optional. The minimum distance from the center point that the documents can be
  • query - An optional query to limit the result to match the query
  • spherical - An optional boolean to indicate that you want to use spherical geometry rather than planar geometry


geoNear requires a geospatial index to be added to the collection you want to perform the calculation on


Using a static array

This example takes 3 documents and buckets them

aggregate ${object}
documents [{x:10}, {x:2}, {x:5}]
bucketAuto "$x" buckets 4

Using a List variable

This example uses the objects in a list variable to perform the aggregation

docs = List()
for i=1 to 10
o = Object()
o.size = i
aggregate ${object}
documents docs
bucketAuto "$size" buckets 4