Loading Data using Events
This guide explains how to load data to your own data models using events and then define curves using that data.
Events are a thing that has happened at a point in time, similar to an observation in a TimeSeries only with a lot more information.
Example events are:
- An order placed with a broker, exchange etc.
- A trade made with a broker, exchange etc.
- A planned or unplanned outage (REMIT Urgent Market Message)
An Event​
This section describes the features of an event.
Event Time​
An event has an event time - this can be used as the time that event was captured or, in the case of futures, the trade/curve/ondate for the valuation.
Start and End Time​
An event has a start and end time, this is used to specify the date/time range that the event covers.
Event List Id​
This is the id that relates all similar events together
Event Type​
Much like objects (master data), events have types which define the basic structure and properties of the event.
Creating an Event Type​
Creating an event type is the same as creating an object type, you then simply need to add the boolean property event as true.
Example Event Type​
- OpenDataDSL
TestEventType = type
PRICE as number()
TestEventType.event = true
save TestEventType
POST https://api.opendatadsl.com/api/type
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"_id": "TestEventType",
"_type": "Type",
"_name": "Test Event Type",
"_event": true,
"PRICE": {
"name": "PRICE",
"type": "number",
"_ptype": "Property"
Creating Events​
Events need to be added to master data in the same way as timeseries, curves etc.
Use of a DSID​
If you intend to use the dataset monitoring tools, you can add a _dsid (Dataset ID) property to your events.
A _dsid comprises of 3 sections separated by dots - PROVIDER.FEED.PRODUCT
For example: ODSL.TRADER1.NBP
All events for the same combination of provider, feed and product should use the same _dsid.
It is recommended that you use your own company name/code for the provider so as not to be confused with data providers
Create events for use with curves​
- OpenDataDSL
You can create events using curve date and tenor which will populate the eventtime, eventstart, eventend, absolute, relative and expiry fields automatically.
expcal = ${expiry:"#REOD"}
ondate = CurveDate("2024-05-30", expcal)
e1 = Event(ondate, "M01")
e1.id = "ID_2024-05-30_M01"
e1._dsid = "ODSL.TRADER1.NBP"
e1.eventtype = "TestEventType"
e1.PRICE = 35.025
e2 = Event(ondate, "M02")
e2.id = "ID_2024-05-30_M02"
e2._dsid = "ODSL.TRADER1.NBP"
e2.eventtype = "TestEventType"
e2.PRICE = 35.125
e3 = Event(ondate, "M03")
e3.id = "ID_2024-05-30_M03"
e3._dsid = "ODSL.TRADER1.NBP"
e3.eventtype = "TestEventType"
e3.PRICE = 35.155
EXAMPLE = Object()
EXAMPLE.EVENTS = [e1, e2, e3]
POST https://api.opendatadsl.com/api/object
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"_type": "VarEvent",
"_id": "ID_2024-05-30_M01",
"_dsid": "ODSL.TRADER1.NBP",
"eventtype": "TestEventType",
"eventtime": "2024-05-30",
"eventstart": "2024-06-01",
"eventend": "2024-06-30",
"absolute": "2024M06",
"relative": "M01",
"PRICE": 35.025
"_type": "VarEvent",
"_id": "ID_2024-05-30_M02",
"_dsid": "ODSL.TRADER1.NBP",
"eventtype": "TestEventType",
"eventtime": "2024-05-30",
"eventstart": "2024-07-01",
"eventend": "2024-07-31",
"absolute": "2024M07",
"relative": "M02",
"PRICE": 35.125
"_type": "VarEvent",
"_id": "ID_2024-05-30_M03",
"_dsid": "ODSL.TRADER1.NBP",
"eventtype": "TestEventType",
"eventtime": "2024-05-30",
"eventstart": "2024-08-01",
"eventend": "2024-08-31",
"absolute": "2024M08",
"relative": "M03",
"PRICE": 35.155
Creating Event Curves​
An event curve dynamically creates curves from an event list. In order to use events for curves, they must have at a minimum:
- The eventtime must represent the curve date
- It must have a property named relative containing a relative period code
- It must have a property named absolute containing an absolute period code
- It can optionally have a property called expiry containing the last trade date of the tenor, if this exists, the contract will use the eventstart and eventend properties as the start and end of delivery
- OpenDataDSL
The EventCurve is constructed using the following properties:
- Event list id
- Expiry Calendar
- Property on the event containing the values
- Property on the event containing the absolute or relative tenor
EXAMPLE = Object()
EXAMPLE.PRICE = EventCurve("EXAMPLE:EVENTS", "#REOD", "PRICE", "absolute")
POST https://api.opendatadsl.com/api/type
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"_id": "EXAMPLE",
"_type": "#Object",
"PRICE": {
"_id": "PRICE",
"_type": "VarEventCurve",
"event": "EXAMPLE:EVENTS",
"property": "PRICE",
"tenor": "absolute",
"calendar": "#REOD"