Data Subscriptions
This guide takes you through how data subscriptions work
A subscription is a record of one or more items that we want to perform an action on/with when they change.
Subscription Definition​
The subscription itself is created using the Subscription constructor:
sub = Subscription()
Subscription Item​
The subscription item defines each object that you are interested in, the properties of this are:
- key - A unique identifier for this object, this can be the same as the id of the object or can be an id used by the target system
- id - The id of the object or data that you want to subscribe to
- service - The service the item belongs to, defaults to data
- action - The action performed to trigger this subscription, can be one of:
- all - Any action will invoke the subscription
- create - Invoked when a new item is created
- update - Invoked when an item is updated
- delete - Invoked when an item is deleted
There are 5 addItem methods on a subscription to add your items.
// Add just using the id of a data item
// Add using the id of a data item and a key name to assign to it
sub.addItem("#ECB_FX.EURGBP:SPOT", "GBP")
// Add using a reference to the item
// Add using a reference to the item and a key name to assign to it
s.addItem(ref("calendar","USA"), "USACAL")
// Add using a reference to the item, a key name to assign to it and the action that triggers the subscription
s.addItem(ref("calendar","USA"), "USACAL", "update")
Subscription Target​
The subscription target defines where to send the data to, each target type has its own specific properties as shown below.
This following section defines each named target
This sends the fulfilled subscription to a queue, the additional properties required on the target are:
- subject - The message subject
- queue - The name of the queue to send the fulfilled subscription to
// With just the name of the queue - the subject will be an empty string
// With both the message subject and queue name
sub.addQueueTarget("subject", "sql")
This triggers a process and sends the fulfilled subscription to the process as input data, the additional properties required on the target are:
- process - The name of the process
This triggers a curve build, the additional properties required on the target are:
- curve - The name of the curve configuration to trigger
This target sends an email which can be populated with information from the fulfilled subscription, the additional properties required on the target are:
- to - The recipient(s) of the email
- subject - The email subject message
- html - The HTML body of the message
- attachment - A boolean indicating if the data should be sent in an attached file, defaults to true
The HTML body can include some variables which will be substituted when sent. Each variable is surrounded by curly braces, e.g. {var}
// Specify some HTML to send as the email body
sub.addEmailTarget("", "Subject", "<p>Object id: {_id}</p>", false)
// Use the default html template for the item being sent
sub.addEmailTarget("", "Subject", null, true)
This target runs a report from a pre-defined report configuration.. The additional properties required are:
- report - The name of the report to run
- range - An optional date range to use for the report
// Add a report target
// Add a report target with a date range for yesterday
sub.addReportTarget("MYREPORT", "between(T-1Dh0m0s0, T-1Dh23m59s59)")
This target runs a script stored in the server. The additional properties required are:
- script - The name of the script to run
// Add a script target
This target publishes the updated data to another tenant. The additional properties required are:
- to - The name of the tenant to publish to
// Add a publish target
This target publishes the updated data to a blob in an Azure Blob Container. The additional properties required are:
- storage - The URL of the storage container
- adls - A boolean indicating that this is Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2
- container - The name of the container
- path - An optional path within the container
// Add a blob target
sub.addBlobTarget("", true, "odsl", "csv_files/test")
You will need to assign the role 'Storage Blob Data Contributor' to the OpenDataDSL application in your Azure Portal See here for instructions
This target makes a HTTP POST to a specified URL with the updated data. The additional properties required are:
- url - The webhook URL to post the data to
// Add a blob target
This is the main configuration part of the subscription, the properties of this are:
- name - The name of the subscription
- description - A description of the subscription
- enabled - A boolean indicating whether this subscription is live (enabled)
- system - Indicates that this is a system created subscription - READ ONLY
- objects - A list of the subscribed objects
- targets - A list of the targets to send the fulfilled subscription to
Complete example:
sub = Subscription() = "SQL_DATA_ECB_FX"
sub.environment = "production"
sub.addItem("#ECB_FX.EURGBP:SPOT", "GBP")
sub.addItem("#ECB_FX.EURJPY:SPOT", "JPY")
sub.addItem("#ECB_FX.EURUSD:SPOT", "USD")
save sub