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Returns a TimeSeries that is shifted in time by the number of specified observations.

The function takes a Timeseries as the first parameter and an integer (positive or negative).


shift(series, number)


input = TimeSeries("DAILY")
input.add("2020-11-01", 10)
input.add("2020-11-02", 12)
input.add("2020-11-03", 12.9)
input.add("2020-11-04", 11.5)
input.add("2020-11-05", 11.9)

prior = shift(input, -1)
print prior.values
2020-10-31 10
2020-11-01 12
2020-11-02 12.900000
2020-11-03 11.500000
2020-11-04 11.900000