All functions
Class | Function | Returns | Applies To |
Numeric | abs(data) Absolute value | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Numeric | acos(data) Returns the arc cosine of a value; the returned angle is in the range 0.0 through pi | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Constructors | AnnualCalendar() Creates a new Annual Calendar | Calendar | |
BeanConstructors | ApprovalGroup() Creates a new curve approval group | ApprovalGroup | |
Curve | asDays(contract) Splits a Contract into day contracts | Contracts | |
Curve | asHours(contract) Splits a Contract into hourly contracts | Contracts | |
Curve | asHours(contract, timezone) Splits a Contract into hourly contracts | Contracts | |
Numeric | asin(data) Returns the arc sine of a value; the returned angle is in the range -pi/2 through pi/2 | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Curve | asMonths(contract) Splits a Contract into month contracts - usually used with Quarters, Seasons or Cals | Contracts | |
Test | assertEquals(expected, value, message) A test to check if 2 variables or values are equal | Void | |
Test | assertEquals(expected, value) A test to check if 2 variables or values are equal | Void | |
Test | assertFalse(value) A test to check if an expression is false | Void | |
Test | assertFalse(value, message) A test to check if an expression is false | Void | |
Test | assertHasProperty(var, property) A test to check if a variable has a specific named property | Void | |
Test | assertNoProperty(var, property) A test to check if a variable doesn't have a specific named property | Void | |
Test | assertNull(object) A test to check if object is null | Void | |
Test | assertTrue(value, message) A test to check if an expression is true | Void | |
Test | assertTrue(value) A test to check if an expression is true | Void | |
Test | assertType(var, type) A test to check if a variable is of a certain type | Void | |
Curve | asStrips(input) Creates an arbitrage free curve comprised of calendar year strips | Curve | curve |
Numeric | atan(data) Returns the arc tangent of a value; the returned angle is in the range -pi/2 through pi/2 | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Numeric | atan2(y, x) Returns the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates (x, y) to polar coordinates (r, theta) | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Constructors | Batch() Creates a batch to be sent to a message queue | Batch | |
Options | blackScholesCall(F, K, sigma, T) Calculate the (undiscounted) Black option price for a call option | Double | |
Options | blackScholesPut(F, K, sigma, T) Calculate the (undiscounted) Black option price for a put option | Double | |
Constructors | BlockCalendar(holiday, observed, start, end, timezone) Creates a new Block Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | BlockCalendar(holiday, observed, start, end) Creates a new Block Calendar | Calendar | |
Curve | bootstrapCurve(input) Creates an arbitrage free monthly curve from the input curve | Curve | curve |
BeanConstructors | BuildGroup() Creates a new curve build group | BuildGroup | |
Constructors | BusinessCalendar() Creates a new Business (Monday to Friday) Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | Calendar(code) Creates a new Calendar | Calendar | |
String | capitalise(str) Returns a Capitalised string. | String | |
String | capitaliseFully(str) Returns a Capitalised string of all the words. | String | |
TimeSeries | cave(data) The cumulative average of all the values in the input Timeseries or List | Number | |
TimeSeries | cave(data, calendar) The cumulative average of all the values in the input Timeseries | Number | |
Numeric | cbrt(data) Returns the cube root of a double value | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
String | clean(str) Creates a valid variable name from the input string - spaces converted to underscores and invalid characters removed | String | |
General | clone(var) Creates a new copy of a variable | Same type as input | |
TimeSeries | cmax(data) The cumulative maximum of all the values in the input Timeseries or List | Number | |
TimeSeries | cmax(data, calendar) The cumulative maximum of all the values in the input Timeseries | Number | |
TimeSeries | cmin(data) The cumulative minimum of all the values in the input Timeseries or List | Number | |
TimeSeries | cmin(data, calendar) The cumulative minimum of all the values in the input Timeseries | Number | |
Curve | combine(base, other, replace) Combines 2 curves into 1 - uses the date and expiry calendar from the base | Curve | curve |
Constructors | CombinedHolidayCalendar() Creates a new Combined Holiday Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | CombinedHolidayCalendar(cal1, cal2) Creates a new Combined Holiday Calendar using the 2 passed in Holiday Calendars | Calendar | |
String | compare(str1, str2) Compares the contents of 2 non-null strings, returns true if they are the same | Boolean | |
String | concatenate(str1, str2) Joins 2 non-null strings together | String | |
String | contains(str1, str2) Returns true if a string contains another string | Boolean | |
General | content() | ||
Constructors | Contract(ondate, tenor, value, absolute, start, end, expiry) Creates a new *Custom* Forward Contract | Contract | |
Constructors | Contract(ondate, tenor, value) Creates a new Forward Contract | Contract | |
Constructors | Contract(ondate, tenor, value, start, end) Creates a new *Hybrid* Forward Contract | Contract | |
Matrix | correlation(data, shift) Create a Pearsons correlation matrix from the columns of a matrix. PearsonsCorrelation computes correlations defined by the formula ```cor(X, Y) = sum[(xi - E(X))(yi - E(Y))] / [(n - 1)s(X)s(Y)]``` where ```E(X)``` and ```E(Y)``` are means of ```X``` and ```Y``` and ```s(X)```, ```s(Y)``` are standard deviations. | Matrix | |
Matrix | correlation(data) Create a Pearsons correlation matrix from the columns of a matrix. PearsonsCorrelation computes correlations defined by the formula ```cor(X, Y) = sum[(xi - E(X))(yi - E(Y))] / [(n - 1)s(X)s(Y)]``` where ```E(X)``` and ```E(Y)``` are means of ```X``` and ```Y``` and ```s(X)```, ```s(Y)``` are standard deviations. | Matrix | |
Matrix | correlation(data, shift) Create a Pearsons correlation matrix from a list of timeseries. PearsonsCorrelation computes correlations defined by the formula ```cor(X, Y) = sum[(xi - E(X))(yi - E(Y))] / [(n - 1)s(X)s(Y)]``` where ```E(X)``` and ```E(Y)``` are means of ```X``` and ```Y``` and ```s(X)```, ```s(Y)``` are standard deviations. | Matrix | |
Matrix | correlation(data) Create a Pearsons correlation matrix from a list of timeseries. PearsonsCorrelation computes correlations defined by the formula ```cor(X, Y) = sum[(xi - E(X))(yi - E(Y))] / [(n - 1)s(X)s(Y)]``` where ```E(X)``` and ```E(Y)``` are means of ```X``` and ```Y``` and ```s(X)```, ```s(Y)``` are standard deviations. | Matrix | |
Numeric | cos(data) Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Numeric | cosh(data) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a double value | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Statistics | count(data) Gets the count of the values | Number | |
Matrix | covariance(data, biasCorrected) Create a convariance matrix from a list of timeseries. Unbiased covariances are given by the formula ```cov(X, Y) = sum [(xi - E(X))(yi - E(Y))] / (n - 1)``` where ```E(X)``` is the mean of ```X``` and ```E(Y)``` is the mean of the ```Y``` values. Non-bias-corrected estimates use ```n``` in place of ```n - 1```. Whether or not covariances are bias-corrected is determined by the optional parameter, **biasCorrected**, which defaults to true. | Matrix | |
Matrix | covariance(data) Create a convariance matrix from a list of timeseries. Unbiased covariances are given by the formula ```cov(X, Y) = sum [(xi - E(X))(yi - E(Y))] / (n - 1)``` where ```E(X)``` is the mean of ```X``` and ```E(Y)``` is the mean of the ```Y``` values. | Matrix | |
TimeSeries | csum(data, calendar) The cumulative sum of all the values in the input Timeseries | Number | |
TimeSeries | csum(data) The cumulative sum of all the values in the input Timeseries or List | Number | |
Constructors | Curve(ondate) Creates a new Curve | Curve | |
Constructors | CurveDate(date, calendar) Creates a new Curve Date variable | CurveDate | |
Constructors | CurveDate(date, calendar, timezone) Creates a new Curve Date variable | CurveDate | |
Constructors | CurveSeries(calendar, ondate, data) Creates a new Curve Series | CurveSeries | |
Constructors | CurveSeries(calendar, ondate) Creates a new Curve Series | CurveSeries | |
Constructors | CurveSeries(calendar, ondate, start, data) Creates a new Curve Series | CurveSeries | |
Constructors | DailyCalendar() Creates a new Daily Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | Date(date, format) Creates a new Date variable | Date | |
Constructors | Date() Creates a new Date variable as the current date | Date | |
Constructors | Date(date) Creates a new Date variable | Date | |
Date | daylightSavings(date, timezone) Checks a day to see if it is a daylight savings day | 0 if false, -1 if it is the start day of DST, 1 if it is the end day of DST | |
TimeSeries | diff(series) Returns a TimeSeries with the absolute change values from one observation to the next | TimeSeries | |
Constructors | Documentation() Creates a new default documentation configuration | Documentation | |
Constructors | DocumentationLink(url) Creates a new documentation URL Link configuration | Documentation | |
Constructors | DocumentationLink(url, selector) Creates a new documentation URL Link configuration | Documentation | |
Constructors | Duration(dur, calendar) Creates a new Duration with a calendar | Duration | |
Constructors | Duration(dur) Creates a new Duration | Duration | |
Constructors | DynamicReport() Creates a new dynamic report configuration | Report | |
General | element() | ||
General | elementValues() | ||
General | elementValuesIndexOf() | ||
String | encodeBase64(content) Encode Base64. | String | |
String | encodeURI(uri) Encode URI. | String | |
String | endsWith(str, suffix) Tests to see if the first string ends with the specified suffix. If either the string or the suffix are null, it returns false | Boolean | |
String | equals(str1, str2) Checks to see if 2 strings are the same | Boolean | |
String | equals() | ||
String | equalsIgnoreCase(str1, str2) Checks to see if 2 strings are the same ignoring case | Boolean | |
General | evaluate(var) Evaluates a string expression and returns the result | Any | |
Constructors | Event(ondate, tenor) Creates an event that can be added to an object | Event | |
Constructors | Event(time) Creates an event that can be added to an object | Event | |
Constructors | EventCurve(eventlist, calendar, property, tenor) Creates a new EventCurve | EventCurve | |
Constructors | EventTimeSeries(eventlist, property) Creates a new Event TimeSeries using an EventList and the name of the property to use for the TimeSeries values | EventTimeSeries | |
Numeric | exp(data) Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a double value | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Constructors | ExpiryCalendar(holiday, delivery) Creates a new expiry Calendar | ExpiryCalendar | |
Constructors | ExpiryCalendar(holiday) Creates a new expiry Calendar | ExpiryCalendar | |
Constructors | ExpiryCalendar(code) Reads an expiry Calendar | ExpiryCalendar | |
BeanConstructors | ExportGroup() Creates a new curve export group | ExportGroup | |
CurveInterpolation | extendCurve(input, years) Extends a curve by taking the last period and extending out the required number of years | Curve | |
TimeseriesInterpolation | fill(input, method) Removes missing values by either filling them with values or removing them entirely | List or Timeseries | |
Constructors | FinancialExpiryCalendar(code, holiday, cross, base, offset) Creates a financial expiry Calendar | ExpiryCalendar | |
General | firstElement() | ||
Loader | firstElementOf() | ||
Constructors | FixedReport() Creates a new Fixed report configuration | Report | |
Date | format(date, format) Converts a date into a string using the specified format | String | |
Loader | formatDateLocale() | ||
Loader | formatDates() | ||
Loader | formatDatesWithLocale() | ||
Loader | formatHarvestDates() | ||
Loader | formatListValues() | ||
Loader | formatNumericValues() | ||
String | formatString(format, str) Formats the string passed using the formatter. | String | |
Loader | formatValue() | ||
Loader | formatValues() | ||
CurveInterpolation | forwardFillCurve(input) Fills any gaps by forward filling and missing periods | Curve | |
Statistics | geomean(data) Gets the geometric average value | Number | |
GeoConstructors | GeometryCollection() Creates an empty GeometryCollection geometry object | GeometryCollection | |
GeoConstructors | GeometryCollection() Creates a GeometryCollection geometry object | GeometryCollection | |
DatasetMonitoring | getDataset(dsid) Gets the dataset information for the supplied dsid | Dataset | |
DatasetMonitoring | getDatasetDelivery(dsid, date) Gets the dataset delivery information for the supplied date | DatasetDelivery | |
Statistics | GLSMultipleRegression(y, x, covariance) GLSMultipleLinearRegression provide least squares regression to fit the linear model: Y=X*b+u where Y is an n-vector regressand, X is a [n,k] matrix whose k columns are called regressors, b is k-vector of regression parameters and u is an n-vector of error terms or residuals. GLSMultipleLinearRegression implements Generalized Least Squares. Data for OLS models can be loaded in a single double[] array, consisting of concatenated rows of data, each containing the regressand (Y) value, followed by regressor values; or using a double[][] array with rows corresponding to observations. GLS models also require a double[][] array representing the covariance matrix of the error terms. | Object | |
Constructors | HolidayCalendar() Creates a new Holiday Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | HourlyBlockCalendar(holiday, start, end) Creates a new Hourly Block Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | HourlyBlockCalendar(holiday, start, end, timezone) Creates a new Hourly Block Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | IdentityMatrix(size) Creates a new identity matrix of the given size | Matrix | |
Constructors | Index() Creates a new Database Index | Index | |
String | indexOf(str1, str2) Returns a int value that is a indexOf of a string. | int | |
Loader | initialiseList() | ||
Constructors | InsightReport() Creates a new insight report configuration | Report | |
Constructors | IntradayCalendar(period) Creates a new Intraday Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | IntradayCalendar(period, holiday, withoutHours, timezone, useHolidays) Creates a new Intraday Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | IntradayCalendar(period, holiday, withoutHours, timezone) Creates a new Intraday Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | IntradayCalendar(period, holiday, withoutHours) Creates a new Intraday Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | IntradayCalendar(period, holiday) Creates a new Intraday Calendar | Calendar | |
DatasetMonitoring | isDatasetComplete(dsid, date) Checks to see if the supplied dataset is 100% complete for the supplied date | Boolean | |
String | isNumber(str) Returns true if a string is a Number | Boolean | |
Constructors | ISODate(date) Creates a new Date variable from the supplied ISO Date formatted string | Date | |
String | json(var) Converts the input variable of any type to a JSON formatted string | String | |
Statistics | kurtosis(data) Gets the kurtosis | Number | |
General | lastElement() | ||
Loader | lastElementOf() | ||
String | lastIndexOf(str1, str2) Returns a int value that is a last IndexOf of a string. | int | |
String | left(str, amount) Creates a new string from the 'amount' leftmost characters of another string | String | |
String | length(str) Returns the length of the string | Int | |
GeoConstructors | LineString() Creates a LineString geometry object | GeoSpatial | |
GeoConstructors | LineString() Creates a LineString geometry object with the supplied list of coordinates | GeoSpatial | |
Constructors | Link() Creates a link that can be added to an item | Reference | |
Constructors | List() Creates a new List | List | |
General | loadCalendars() Loads all known public and private calendars into memory | Void | |
General | loadTypes() Loads all known public and private types into memory | Void | |
Numeric | log(data) Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a double value | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Numeric | log10(data) Returns the base 10 logarithm of a double value | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Numeric | log1p(data) Returns the natural logarithm of the sum of the argument and 1 | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
String | lower(str) Returns a copy of the passed in string with all the characters converted to lower case | String | |
Loader | matches() | ||
Constructors | Matrix(x, y) Creates a new matrix | Matrix | |
Constructors | Matrix(y, x, v) Creates a new matrix, initialising all values to the provided value | Matrix | |
Constructors | Matrix(labels, v) Creates a new matrix from a list of labels | Matrix | |
Constructors | Matrix(labels, v) Creates a new matrix from a list of labels | Matrix | |
Constructors | Matrix(labels) Creates a new matrix from a list of labels | Matrix | |
Constructors | Matrix(labels) Creates a new matrix from a list of labels | Matrix | |
Statistics | max(data) Gets the highest value | Number | |
Statistics | mean(data) Gets the arithmetic average value | Number | |
Constructors | Message() Creates a new coded message | Message | |
Introspection | methods(object) Returns the methods available for a given variable | List | |
Metric | metric(metric) Get a virtual metric timeseries | TimeSeries | |
Metric | metric(metric, calendar, observed, range) Get a virtual metric timeseries | TimeSeries | |
Metric | metric(metric, calendar, observed, range, filter) Get a virtual metric timeseries | TimeSeries | |
Constructors | MetricTimeSeries(provider, metric) Creates a new Metric TimeSeries | MetricTimeSeries | |
Statistics | min(data) Gets the lowest value | Number | |
Validation | missing(series) Checks for unexpected missing values in a TimeSeries | TimeSeries | |
Constructors | MonthlyCalendar() Creates a new Monthly Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | MonthlyCalendar(code, name, period) Creates a new Monthly Calendar with a period specifier | Calendar | |
GeoConstructors | MultiLineString() Creates an empty MultiLineString geometry object | GeoSpatial | |
GeoConstructors | MultiLineString() Creates an empty MultiLineString geometry object | GeoSpatial | |
GeoConstructors | MultiPoint() Creates a MultiPoint geometry object | GeoSpatial | |
GeoConstructors | MultiPoint() Creates a MultiPoint geometry object with the supplied list of coordinates | GeoSpatial | |
GeoConstructors | MultiPolygon() Creates a MultiPolygon geometry object with the supplied polygons | GeoSpatial | |
GeoConstructors | MultiPolygon() Creates an empty MultiPolygon geometry object | GeoSpatial | |
String | normalise(str) Returns a normalised string removing all accents of the string passed. | String | |
Curve | normaliseCurve(input) Normalises a curve such that all the inputs average to 1 | Curve | curve |
Constructors | Null() Creates a Null variable | Null | |
Constructors | Object() Creates a new Object of type #Object | Object | |
Constructors | Object(type) Creates a new Object of the specified type | Object | |
Constructors | ObjectId() Creates a unique object id | String | |
Constructors | OffsetDailyCalendar(timezone, dayOffset, hour) Creates a new Offset Daily Calendar | Calendar | |
Statistics | OLSMultipleRegression(y, x) OLSMultipleLinearRegression provide least squares regression to fit the linear model: Y=X*b+u where Y is an n-vector regressand, X is a [n,k] matrix whose k columns are called regressors, b is k-vector of regression parameters and u is an n-vector of error terms or residuals. OLSMultipleLinearRegression provides Ordinary Least Squares Regression. Data for OLS models can be loaded in a single double[] array, consisting of concatenated rows of data, each containing the regressand (Y) value, followed by regressor values; or using a double[][] array with rows corresponding to observations. | Object | |
TimeSeries | overlay(base, other) Returns a TimeSeries with all the non-missing values from other added to base | TimeSeries | |
Date | parse(date, format) Converts a string into a date using the specified format | String | |
Date | parse(date, format, tz) Converts a string into a date using the specified format and timezone | String | |
Date | parseISODate(date) Converts a ISO Date format string into a date | String | |
TimeSeries | pct(series) Returns a TimeSeries with the percentage change values from one observation to the next | TimeSeries | |
Statistics | percentile(data, percentile) Gets the percentile | Number | |
GeoConstructors | Point(longitude, latitude) Creates a single coordinate point | GeoSpatial | |
Constructors | Policy() Creates a new security policy | Policy | |
GeoConstructors | Polygon() Creates a Polygon geometry object with a single ring containing the supplied coordinates | GeoSpatial | |
GeoConstructors | Polygon() Creates a empty Polygon geometry object | GeoSpatial | |
GeoConstructors | Polygon() Creates a Polygon geometry object with a multiple rings containing the supplied geometries | GeoSpatial | |
Statistics | popvar(data) Gets the population variance | Number | |
Numeric | pow(data, power) Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Curve | priority(curves) Adds tenors from a list of curves in order of priority | Curve | curve |
Constructors | Process() Creates a new Process | Process | |
Introspection | properties(object) Returns an array of Strings that gives information about the properties on a variable | List(String) | |
Statistics | quadmean(data) Gets the quadratic average value | Number | |
BeanConstructors | QualityGroup() Creates a new curve quality group | QualityGroup | |
Constructors | QuarterlyCalendar() Creates a new Quarterly Calendar | Calendar | |
BeanConstructors | Queue(name) Creates a new queue | Queue | |
DataGeneration | random() Creates a random number between 0 and 1 | Scalar | |
DataGeneration | randomInteger(var) Creates a random integer between 0 and the supplied number - 1 | Scalar | |
General | ref(Service, Id) Creates a reference to a variable | Reference | |
General | ref(var) Creates a reference to a variable | Reference | |
String | remove(str, regex) Removes all the characters according to the regex parameter from the passed in string | String | |
Loader | removeEmpty() | ||
String | replace(str, match, replacement) Replaces each substring of the input string that matches the literal match string with the specified literal replacement string | String | |
String | replaceAll(str, regex, replacement) Replaces all the characters according to the regex parameter from the passed in string with the passed in literal replacement string | String | |
General | replaceElements() | ||
Loader | replaceEmptyValues() | ||
Loader | replaceValues() | ||
Constructors | Report() Creates a new report configuration | Report | |
Constructors | ReportCreator() Creates a new report creator | ReportCreator | |
Loader | reverseList() | ||
Constructors | Row() Creates a new Row | Row | |
TimeSeriesScaling | scale(input, calendar) Scales a TimeSeries to the supplied calendar using the observed setting on the TimeSeries or the global observed setting | TimeSeries | |
TimeSeriesScaling | scale(input, calendar, observed) Scales a TimeSeries to the supplied calendar using the observed setting on the TimeSeries or the global observed setting | TimeSeries | |
TimeSeriesScaling | scale(input, calendar, observed, distribution) Scales a TimeSeries to the supplied calendar using the observed setting on the TimeSeries or the global observed setting | TimeSeries | |
Constructors | Script() Creates a new Script | Script | |
Constructors | Secret(value) Creates a new Secret Value | Secret | |
TimeSeries | sequence(base, other) Returns a TimeSeries with all the non-missing values from other added to base | TimeSeries | |
Curve | shape(input) Simple shaping algorithm used to shape a monthly curve | Curve | curve |
TimeSeries | shift(series, observations) Returns a TimeSeries that is shifted in time by the number of specified observations | TimeSeries | |
Constructors | SimpleObject() Creates a new SimpleObject or JSON Document | SimpleObject | |
Statistics | simpleRegression(data) Provides ordinary least squares regression with one independent variable estimating the linear model: y = intercept + slope * x or y = slope * x Standard errors for intercept and slope are available as well as ANOVA, r-square and Pearson's r statistics. Observations (x,y pairs) can be added to the model one at a time or they can be provided in a 2-dimensional array. The observations are not stored in memory, so there is no limit to the number of observations that can be added to the model. | Object | |
Statistics | simpleRegression(data) Provides ordinary least squares regression with one independent variable estimating the linear model: y = intercept + slope * x or y = slope * x Standard errors for intercept and slope are available as well as ANOVA, r-square and Pearson's r statistics. Observations (x,y pairs) can be added to the model one at a time or they can be provided in a 2-dimensional array. The observations are not stored in memory, so there is no limit to the number of observations that can be added to the model. | Object | |
Numeric | sin(data) Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Numeric | sinh(data) Returns the hyperbolic sine of a double value | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Statistics | skew(data) Gets the skewness | Number | |
Statistics | sma(data, window) A simple moving average | TimeSeries | |
Constructors | SmartCurve() Creates a new Smart Curve | SmartCurve | |
Constructors | SmartCurve(base, expression) Creates a new Smart Curve using a base curve and expression | SmartCurve | |
Constructors | SmartTimeSeries(base, expression) Creates a new Smart TimeSeries using a base TimeSeries and expression | SmartTimeSeries | |
Constructors | SmartTimeSeries(expression) Creates a new Smart TimeSeries using an expression | SmartTimeSeries | |
Constructors | SmartTimeSeries(start, calendar, expression) Creates a new Smart TimeSeries using a base TimeSeries and expression | SmartTimeSeries | |
GeoConstructors | Sphere() Creates a centerSphere geometry object used in geospatial queries | GeoSpatial | |
GeoConstructors | Sphere() Creates a nearSphere geometry object used in geospatial queries | GeoSpatial | |
String | split(str, sep) Splits the string passed by the separator. | List | |
Numeric | sqrt(data) Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of a double value | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
String | startsWith(str, prefix) Tests to see if the first string starts with the specified prefix. If either the string or the prefix are null, it returns false | Boolean | |
Statistics | stdev(data) Gets the standard deviation | Number | |
Constructors | String(text) Creates a new string scalar using the supplied text | String | |
BeanConstructors | Subscription() Creates a new subscription | Subscription | |
String | substring(str, beginIndex, endIndex) Returns a string that is a substring of another string. The substring begins with the character at the specified index (counting from 0) and extends to the character at the end index -1. If the end index is entered as -1, the substring ends as the last character in the input string. | String | |
Statistics | sum(data) Gets the sum of the values | Number | |
Statistics | sumsq(data) Gets the sum of the squares | Number | |
Constructors | Table() Creates a new Table | Table | |
Numeric | tan(data) Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Numeric | tanh(data) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a double value | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Constructors | Task() Creates a new user task | Task | |
Constructors | TimeOfDay(time) Creates a new TimeOfDay variable using the supplied String in the format [+]hh:mm [tz] | TimeOfDay | |
Constructors | TimeSeries(start, Calendar, value, dataType) Creates a new TimeSeries variable | TimeSeries | |
Constructors | TimeSeries(start, Calendar, value) Creates a new TimeSeries variable | TimeSeries | |
Constructors | TimeSeries(start, end, Calendar, value, dataType) Creates a new TimeSeries variable | TimeSeries | |
Constructors | TimeSeries(start, Calendar, intervalPositions, value, dataType, positionCalendar) Creates a new TimeSeries variable | TimeSeries | |
Constructors | TimeSeries(calendar) Creates a new TimeSeries variable | TimeSeries | |
Constructors | TimeSeries(calendar, dataType) Creates a new TimeSeries variable | TimeSeries | |
Constructors | TimeStamp() Creates a new Date variable as the current date and time | Date | |
Numeric | toDegrees(data) Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
Conversion | toInt(var) Converts any input number to an integer | Scalar | |
Loader | toPropertySet() | ||
Numeric | toRadians(data) Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians | Number | curvetimeseriesscalarlist |
String | trim() Returns a string with any space characters from the start or end of the string removed | String | |
Introspection | typeOf(object) Returns a String with the type name of a variable | String | |
General | uid() Generates a unique ID | String | |
String | upper(str) Returns a copy of the passed in string with all the characters converted to UPPER case | String | |
Statistics | var(data) Gets the variance | Number | |
Introspection | variable(name) Returns the variable with the given name | Any | |
Introspection | variable(var, name) Returns the variable with the given name | Any | |
Introspection | variables() Returns a list of the current variables | List | |
Constructors | WeeklyCalendar(dow, holcal, rollbackwards) Creates a new Weekly Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | WeeklyCalendar(dow) Creates a new Weekly Calendar | Calendar | |
Constructors | WidgetReport() Creates a new widget report configuration | Report |