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Searching using the find command

This guide details the syntax of the find command and shows many examples of using it


The syntax of the find command is as follows:

// Minimal syntax
result = find ${service}

// Return a small sample of data using the 'top' option
result = find top n ${service}

// Specifying source (public/private)
result = find ${service:source}

// Filtering results
result = find ${service:source} where conditions

// Returning a unique list of values for a field
result = find unique field from ${service:source} where conditions

// Returning a data profile
result = find profile field from ${service:source} where conditions

Notes on syntax


The assigned result is a VirtualList which is the same as a List except it pages the results from the service rather than request the whole results in one go.


The service is the name of an active variable OpenDataDSL remote service such as audit, action, object etc.


The source defines where the data is stored and can be:

  • private - this is your own proprietary data and is the default if not specified
  • public - this is our repository of publically available data


This is the type of object to find


This is a set of logical conditions used on properties of the element that are used to pre-filter the results before returning them.

Unique field

This command returns a list of unique values from a specific field

Profile field

Usually used with the object service to return data entities rather than object entities, this specifies the name of a data profile to return.

Filter Conditions

The filter conditions allow you to query the database using a logical set of property comparisons. For services other than object and data, the properties are defined in the descriptions of those services, but for object and data, the properties you can filter on are defined by you.


The following table describes the operators that can be used in filter conditions

= or ==Checks a property for an exact matchname = “test”
= [] or == []Checks a property value matches one of a list of valuesname = [“test”, “sample”]
<Checks a numeric or date property to see if it is less than some valuetimestamp < ${date:”today”}
<=Checks a numeric or date property to see if it is less than or equal to some valueprice <= 9.99
>Checks a numeric or date property to see if it is greater than some valuelength > 1
>=Checks a numeric or date property to see if it is greater than or equal to some valuetimestamp >= “2020-01-01”
!=Checks a property is not equal to a valuename != “test”

Logical operators

You can use the logical operators and and or to chain logic conditions together and you can also use brackets () to force conditions to be executed in a certain order, e.g.

(name = "test" or name = "sample") and (size >= 50 and size <= 100 )

Using variables

You can use variables in the filter conditions too, e.g.

curr = "USD"
fx = find ${object:"#ForeignExchange"} where currency = curr

Getting a unique (distinct) list of values for a specific field

Sometimes, you need to know what all the possible values are for a specific field within an object. You can use the unique command to do this, e.g.

// Get all currencies for a provider
currencies = find unique currency from ${currency:public} where source == "ECB_FX"
print currencies

Getting data using an object query

If you want to return all the e.g. time series instead of the objects using a query, you can use the profile command to do this, e.g.

// Fetch all data for all ECB_FX currencies
data = find profile SPOT from ${currency:public} where source == "ECB_FX"

Find Examples

Action Service

Find all public actions

pactions = find ${action:public}

Find all public actions in the category extractors

pactions = find ${action:public} where category = "extractors"

Audit Service

Finding all changes to a specific entity in a service that have happened today

records = find ${audit} where service="action" and id="test_send_batch" and timestamp > ${date:"today"} and timestamp < ${date:"tomorrow"}

Finding all changes after a point in time

records = find ${audit} where timestamp > "2020-11-03T12:23:40"

For more examples of searching for audit records, go to Data Auditing.

Calendar Service

Find all public calendars

pcalendars = find ${calendar:public}

Object Service

Find the first 15 objects that belong to a specific dataset

objects = find top 15 ${object} where dataset = "DS"