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Working with Data Environments


This tutorial teaches you about data environments and how to use them


User requirements

This tutorial assumes some familiarity with writing code as we will be doing some basic coding in OpenDataDSL in Visual Studio Code

System requirements

You will need to have the following:

About Data Environments

A data environment is a physically independent environment where all your data, settings, workflows etc. reside. They can be used for anything, but usually you would create a develop, test or QA environment in which you can test or experiment with data or features of the application without compromising your pure production environment.

What is in an environment

The following entities are stored in each individual environment:

  • Actions
  • Audit records
  • Calendars
  • Curve management information
  • Data
  • Extractors
  • Groups
  • Objects
  • Processes and process execution records
  • Report configurations and reports
  • Security Policies
  • Scripts
  • Subscriptions and subscription records
  • Transformers
  • Types
  • Workflows

Environment Quotas

By default, your company has a maximum quota of 3 environment including your production environment. That means you can only create 2 more named environments, but you can request more by emailing or requesting via the web portal.

Managing environments

You can create, list, use and delete environments in ODSL code.

Creating an environment

The following code snippet creates an object called test (which will also be the name of the environment). It then sets a description of the environment, you can add any other properties you like on the object. Finally it saves the object using the environment service.

test = Object()
test.description = "My test environment"
save ${environment:test}

Using your new environment

To use your newly created environment, you need to tell ODSL code with the use command.

use test

After issuing that command, any entity that is saved within the same session will be stored in the test environment.

Listing your environments

To get a list of your environments, you can use the find command.

environments = find ${environment}

print environments

print "There are currently " + environments.size + " environments"

Each environment object contains the following properties:

_idStringThe environment identifiertest
_createdByStringThe email address of the person who created the
_sizeNumberThe size of the environment in bytes12345
_timestampDateTimeThe UTC timestamp of when the environment was created2021-01-14T17:01:31.930Z
*AnyAny other custom properties you adddescription

Deleting an environment


Deleting an environment deletes ALL the data in an environment, so use with care

To delete an environment, use the delete command.

delete ${environment:"test"}

You can't delete the production environment