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Process Timeline

The process timeline gives you a 24 hour snapshot of processes that have run and are going to run. It also provides a real-time view of running processes.


The process timeline screen shows an interactive list of processes along a vertical timeline showing:

  • Process executions that happened within the past 12 hours
  • Process executions that are scheduled to run within the next 12 hours

As processes execute, you can monitor them in real-time:


Hover over a process execution and click the run button​

Displays a process configuration dialog where you can amend the process configuration (if needed) and run the process.


Amending the configuration on this screen is only for that one manual run and not saved

Hover over a process execution and click the view phases button​

Displays the phases dialog screen, e.g.

Hover over a process execution and click the view data button​

Displays a dialog showing the list of TimeSeries and Curves that were updated in the process execution

Hover over a process execution and click the refresh button​

Refreshes the process execution real-time line - used for manual update should you lose connection to the real-time events

Hover over a process, click on copy button​

Copies the process name into the clipboard