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Used to search the database


varname = find 
(top n)?
(unique field from | profile profilename (for range)? from)?
(where (condition)+)?

The find command can be used in a single line or multi-line format for better readability, e.g.

// Single line search of private audit records
records = find ${audit} where timestamp > ${date:"today"} and timestamp < ${date:"tomorrow"}

// Multi-line version of the same search
records = find ${audit} where
timestamp > ${date:"today"}
and timestamp < ${date:"tomorrow"}

The top option allows you to find a smaller sample of data, e.g.

// Retrieve the first 15 objects
objects = find top 15 ${object} where dataset="ARGUS_DEL"

The unique option allows you to get a list of unique values for a specific field in a resource


The profile option is only used when searching through objects. It allows you to search objects, but return a list of data objects linked to the object where the profile name matches the passed in profilename. This option also allows you to specify a range, which can be a single date or a range of dates in the following syntax:

  • Single date as a Date or a String, e.g. “2021-07-16”
  • Single date using the date active variable service, e.g. ${date:”yesterday”}
  • From a date, e.g. from(“2021-01-01”)
  • The last number of days, e.g. last(3)
  • A range of dates using between, e.g. between(“2021-01-01”,${date:”yesterday”})

The condition option is used to filter the results of the find command. The syntax of the conditions is as follows:

expression (<|<=|>|>=|=|==|!=|like|intersects|within) expression
| condition (and|or) condition
| ( condition )

####### Examples of conditions

category = "extractors"
timestamp > "2020-11-03T12:23:40"
timestamp > ${date:"today"} and timestamp < ${date:"tomorrow"}
name like "ch"
location within Sphere(\[ 51.72961, 0.47612 \], 20 / 3963.2)


The find command is a powerful way of searching a resource for the data you require. It returns a virtual list of items that match the specified conditions.


Find all

In its simplest form, the find command can be used to list all items from a service, e.g.

// Get a list of all public calendars
calendars = find ${calendar:public}
Simple filtering
// Get a list of public actions for a specific category
pactions = find ${action:public} where category = "extractors"
Filtering by date
// Get a list of private audit records for today
records = find ${audit} where timestamp > ${date:"today"} and timestamp < ${date:"tomorrow"}
A list of data using the object profile option
data = find profile SPOT for yesterday from ${object:public} where dataset == "ECB_FX"
Various date range queries
// Data in get query
data = ${data:"#ECB_FX.EURZAR:SPOT"} for ${date:"yesterday"}
data = ${data:"#ECB_FX.EURZAR:SPOT"} for yesterday
data = ${data:"#ECB_FX.EURZAR:SPOT"} for last(3)
data = ${data:"#ECB_FX.EURZAR:SPOT"} for from(yesterday)
data = ${data:"#ECB_FX.EURZAR:SPOT"} for between("2021-05-01",yesterday)
// Define a polygon and search for objects within it
london = Polygon(\[\[51.5386, -0.4956\],\[51.6445, -0.0753\],\[51.5205, 0.1753\],\[51.3479, -0.1163\],\[51.5386, -0.4956\]\])
items = find ${object:"TestGeometry"} where location within london