Create a workflow
varname = workflow IN "category"
workflowStart (phase|workflowEvent|NL|comment)*
workflowStart: WF_START
workflowBody: (workflowEvent|workflowAction|workflowGateway|workflowWorkflow)
workflowEvent: WF_EVENT varname AS "string"
workflowAction: WF_ACTION varname input
workflowGateway: WF_GATEWAY varname input
workflowWorkflow: WF_WORKFLOW varname input
workflowTransition: "name" -> connection
// Workflow phases
phase: phase "name" (retries INT)? (delay INT TIMEUNIT)? (then reschedule)? (external)?
reschedule: reschedule INT TIMEUNIT
fail: fail expression
abort: abort expression
The configuration of a workflow is best done using the workflow GUI in the web portal (Not available yet), but it can also be done in OpenDataDSL code.
Anatomy of a workflow
A workflow has some input, output and exit configuration at the start - just like an action. The input information is passed in via a process or as an object if running the workflow manually.
Workflow Blocks
All workflows have building blocks in them:
- WF_START - There must be exactly 1 of these, which indicates the start point and it only contains a transition which is the first workflow element that is called
- WF_ACTION - This is a block which configures a workflow action. You can:
- define the action transition routing, i.e. the route to take given the transition information when the action completes
- assign the action input variables from the workflow input or any previous action outputs
- run the action using the input variables
- WF_GATEWAY - This block configures a workflow gateway. It is configured in the same way as an action block and is generally used to route workflows according to an expression
- WF_WORKFLOW - This block configured a sub-workflow, it is configured in the same way as an action - NOTE than any workflow can be used as a sub-workflow
- WF_EVENT - This is generally used as an end point of a workflow and is used to return the transition information back to the calling application.
Workflow Phase
A workflow can nest its WF_ACTION, WF_GATEWAY and WF_WORKFLOW blocks in a phase.
It is recommended that you use phases in a workflow for the following reasons:
- It breaks a workflow into distinct sections which get reported in real-time whilst the workflow is executing
- It allows you to time sections of the workflow
- Each phase allows for custom configuration of retries, retry delay and rescheduling
wf_xml_extract = workflow in "data-loaders"
// Extract some data
in url as Scalar
exit "success", "failed"
"ok" -> act_extract_xml
phase "EXTRACT"
WF_ACTION act_extract_xml ai
"ok" -> stopok
"failed" -> stopfailed
ai.url = input.url
result = ${action:"#extract_xml"}.run(ai, output)
WF_EVENT stopok as "success"
return "ok"
WF_EVENT stopfailed as "failed"
return "failed"
As a line-by-line breakdown of this workflow
- Define a workflow called wf_xml_extract in the category data-loaders
- Set a description for this workflow
- Define an input variable called url which is a Scalar
- Define exit transitions for the workflow as success and failed
- Define the workflow start point
- Transition to the action named act_extract_xml (the transition name is ignored)
- Define a workflow phase called EXTRACT
- Define an action block called act_extract_xml with an input variable called ai
- Route the “ok” transition to stopok
- Route the “failed” transition to stopfailed
- Set the url on the action input to be the input url (passed in by the process)
- Run the #extract_xml action passing in the ai variable and the global output variable
- Define the stopok event as a success transition for the whole workflow
- Define the stopfailed event as a failed transition for the whole workflow