A batch variable is a custom list variable that contains variables and supplemental information needed to update into the object repository
A batch can be constructed in the following ways:
// RECOMMENDED: Creating a batch from the PROCESS variable
// Directly creating a batch
batch = Batch()
Creating a batch using the createBatch of a process sets the following properties on the batch:
- service as the service property on the process
- name as the name property on the process
- correlationId as the unique executionId of the process
A batch has the following properties:
Name | Description | Type |
id | The id of the batch | Scalar(String) |
loader | The name of the loader | Scalar(String) |
name | The name of the batch or process that runs this batch | Scalar(String) |
service | The service name of the batch or process that runs this batch | Scalar(String) |
size | The number of objects in the batch | Scalar(Int) |
A batch variable has the following methods:
Name | Description | Return Type |
add(Object) | Adds an object to the batch | this |
addAll(List(Object)) | Adds all the objects from the supplied list to this batch | this |
subList(int,int) | Gets a list with the elements in the supplied range | List |