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A batch variable is a custom list variable that contains variables and supplemental information needed to update into the object repository


A batch can be constructed in the following ways:

// RECOMMENDED: Creating a batch from the PROCESS variable

// Directly creating a batch
batch = Batch()

Creating a batch using the createBatch of a process sets the following properties on the batch:

  • service as the service property on the process
  • name as the name property on the process
  • correlationId as the unique executionId of the process


A batch has the following properties:

idThe id of the batchScalar(String)
loaderThe name of the loaderScalar(String)
nameThe name of the batch or process that runs this batchScalar(String)
serviceThe service name of the batch or process that runs this batchScalar(String)
sizeThe number of objects in the batchScalar(Int)


A batch variable has the following methods:

NameDescriptionReturn Type
add(Object)Adds an object to the batchthis
addAll(List(Object))Adds all the objects from the supplied list to this batchthis
subList(int,int)Gets a list with the elements in the supplied rangeList