An event variable is an object that has happened or will happen at a point in time or over a period of time.
An event can be constructed in one of 2 ways
Standard construction​
This creates an event with an eventtime specified as the constructor argument.
evtemp = Event(${date:"now"})
Curve contract construction​
This creates an event with all the properties of a curve contract (ondate, absolute, relative, expiry, start and end of delivery)
cd = CurveDate("2024-02-02", "#REOMHENG")
e = Event(cd, "2024M06")
An event has the following properties:
Name | Description | Type |
eventtime | The time of the event message | String |
eventstart | The point in time when the event started/starts - defaults to the time of the event message | String |
eventend | The point in time when the event ended/ends - default to the eventstart | String |
timezone | The timezone of the event message | String |
eventtype | The type of event - defaults to #Event | String |
event | The identifier for this group of events | String |
eventid | The unique identifier for this specific event | String |
* | Any other properties | Any |
An event has the following methods:
Name | Description | Return Type |
createId() | Creates a unique id for this event based on the event start and end time | Void |
Example Usage​
An event or list of events are always associated with a Master Data Record (Object)
Saving events​
evtemp = Event(${date:"now"})
evtemp.eventtype = "#Metric"
evtemp.type = "temperature"
evtemp.value = 14
evtemp.id = ObjectId()
evhum = Event(${date:"now"})
evhum.eventtype = "#Metric"
evhum.type = "humidity"
evhum.value = 25
evhum.id = ObjectId()
s9754 = ${object:"s9754"}
s9754.MESSAGE = [evtemp, evhum]
save ${object:s9754}
Further Reading​
- Event service for saving and using events in the server.