Metric Timeseries represent a timeseries of metrics from various metric providers.
A metric timeseries consists of the following:
The name of the metric provider
The name of the metric to read from the provider
See Metrics for full details on providers and metric names
An optional filter to filter the metrics in the value calculation
This is the interval frequencies for value aggregation, usually one of:
- #PT1M - 1 minutely
- #PT5M - 5 minutely
- #PT15M - 15 minutely
- #PT30M - 30 minutely
- #PT1H - hourly
- #PT6H - 6 hourly
- #PT12H - 12 hourly
- #P1D - daily
The aggregation method, usually one of:
- summed - Sum up all the values for the interval
- averaged - Average the values for the interval
- high - The maximum value during the interval
- low - The minimum value during the interval
Creating a MetricTimeSeries​
Azure Service Bus Metrics​
An example of creating a metric timeseries for the average number of active messages on a queue named etrm aggregated 5 minutely
ActiveMessages_1h = MetricTimeSeries("AzureServiceBus", "ActiveMessages")
ActiveMessages_1h.calendar = ${calendar:"#PT5M"}
ActiveMessages_1h.queue = "etrm"
ODSL User Request Metrics​
An example of creating metric timeseries for the total user read requests for the service 'user' aggregated hourly
ReadRequests_1h = MetricTimeSeries("ODSLRequest", "ReadRequests")
ReadRequests_1h.calendar = ${calendar:"#PT1H"}
ReadRequests_1h.observed = "summed"
ReadRequests_1h.filter = ?service='user'