A matrix represents a 2-dimensional array of numeric values - each row and column is labelled by default as R1, C1 etc. but these can be whatever you like.
To create a matrix, you can use the following constructor.
// Create a matrix with 4 rows and 5 columns
m1 = Matrix(4, 5)
// Create a matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns with the labels A, B and C
m2 = Matrix(["A","B","C"])
A matrix has the following properties:
Name | Description | Type |
name | The name of the matrix | String |
description | A description of the matrix | String |
ondate | The date this matrix represents | Date |
xLabels | The list of x or column labels | String Array |
yLabels | The list of y or row labels | String Array |
xSize | The number of columns | Integer |
ySize | The number of rows | Integer |
currency | The currency of the values in this matrix | String |
units | The units of the values in this matrix | String |
timezone | The timezone for the values in this matrix | String |
precision | The data value precision configuration | String |
A matrix has the following methods:
Name | Description | Return Type |
setLabels(String Array) | Sets the labels for the rows and columns of a symmetrical matrix | The current matrix |
setXLabels(String Array) | Sets the labels for the columns of this matrix | The current matrix |
setYLabels(String Array) | Sets the labels for the rows of this matrix | The current matrix |
setColumnData(column, list) | Sets the values for the specified column name or index | The current matrix |
setRowData(row, list) | Sets the values for the specified row name or index | The current matrix |
setValue(column, row, value) | Sets the value for the specified column and row index | The current matrix |
setValueAt(column, row, value) | Sets the value for the specified column and row label | The current matrix |
getValue(column, row) | Gets the value for the specified column and row index | Double value |
getColumnForLabel(column) | Gets the column index for a specified column label | Integer |
getRowForLabel(row) | Gets the row index for a specified row label | Integer |
isSameDimensions(matrix) | Tests to see if the passed in matrix is the same dimensions as this matrix | Boolean |
transpose() | Returns a 90 degree transposed version of this matrix | Matrix |
Using Matrices​
Create a matrix and set some values​
m2 = Matrix(["A","B","C","D","E"])
print m2
An example of some matrix operations​
set precision 1
m1 = Matrix(["A","B","C"])
m1.setRowData("A", [1,2,3])
m1.setRowData("B", [4,5,6])
m1.setRowData("C", [7,8,9])
print m1
m2 = Matrix(["A","B","C"])
m2.setColumnData("A", [1,2,3])
m2.setColumnData("B", [4,5,6])
m2.setColumnData("C", [7,8,9])
print m2
print m1 + m2
print m1 * 2
print 1/m1
print m1 ^ 2
m3 = Matrix(2, 3)
m3.setColumnData("C1", [1,2,3])
m3.setColumnData("C2", [4,5,6])
print m3
print m3.transpose()