Feature Policy 🆕
A feature policy variable contains information about which features in the Web Portal that users can see
Feature Policy variables are used to restrict access to certain features within the platform, thereby focussing users on the tasks they need to perform.
Defining a Feature Policy​
Below is a table with all the properties of a feature policy:
Name | Type | Example | Description |
_id | String | RunAllReports | The unique id for this policy |
category | String | TeamUsers | An optional category used for filtering policies |
description | String | My test policy | A descriptive name for the policy |
enabled | Boolean | true | True if it is enabled, false to disable it, by default the policy is enabled |
deny | Boolean | false | By default, all features are available to everyone, so you need to set this to false to deny access to features |
members | List | user@company.com | The user emails or Azure Active Directory group id's this policy applies to |
features | List | ["scripts"] | The list of features that this policy applies to |
A policy has the following methods:
Name | Description | Return Type |
addMember(name) | Adds a member to this policy | void |
removeMember(name) | Removes a member from this policy | void |
Example policy definition:
"_id": "HideScripts",
"category": "TradingTeam",
"description": "Hide Scripts menu item from users",
"deny": true,
"members": [
"features": [
"enabled": true
Portal Feature Names​
The following table shows the names of the features for each portal item:
Name | Portal Item |
masterData | Master Data |
data | Data |
events | Events |
smartData | Smart Data |
geoData | GEO Data |
reports | Reports |
curves | Curves |
datasets | Datasets |
processes | processes |
executions | Executions |
processTimeline | Process Timeline |
dataPackages | Data Packages |
queues | Queues |
subscriptions | Subscriptions |
types | Types |
calendars | Calendars |
scripts | Scripts |
dashboards | Dashboards |
alerts | Alerts |
Updating, Finding and Deleting Feature Policies​
Saving a feature policy​
To save a feature policy in OpenDataDSL code, use the save command as follows:
HideScripts = FeaturePolicy()
HideScripts.description = "Hide Scripts menu item from users"
HideScripts.features = ["scripts"]
HideScripts.deny = true
HideScripts.enabled = true
save HideScripts
Listing feature policies​
To find feature policies, you use the ODSL find command, e.g.
policies = find ${policy} where _type="FeaturePolicy"
You can use the unique keyword to just get all the ids of your policies, e.g.
find unique _id from ${policy} where _type="FeaturePolicy"
Retrieving a specific feature policy​
To get a specific named feature policy, you use the policy active variable. You can then examine the information on the policy, e.g.
p = ${policy:"HideScripts"}
print p.description
Disabling a feature policy​
You can disable a feature policy by setting the enabled flag to false, e.g.
p = ${policy:"HideScripts"}
p.enabled = false
save p
Deleting a feature policy​
To delete a feature policy, you issue the delete command, e.g.
delete ${policy:"HideScripts"}