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A list represents a list of other variables


To create a list, you can use a constructor or use square brackets to enclose a list of variables.

// Create an empty list
l1 = List()

// Also construct an empty list
l1 = []

// Create a list of variables
l2 = ["Hello", 1, l1]

Notice how you can also add a list as an element of a list, in fact you can add any other variable as an element of a list.


A list has the following properties:

sizeReturns the number of elements in the listScalar(Integer)


A list has the following methods:

NameDescriptionReturn Type
add(element)Add a variable to the list of elementsThe current list
add(position, element)Adds a variable to the list in the supplied position (0 being first)The current list
addAll(list)Adds all the elements from the supplied list into this listThe current list
subList(start, end)Gets a sublist from the elements in the list from the start to the endNew List

Using Lists

You can directly access an element in a list using the square brackets and an index starting at 0, e.g. the following code would print out World

// Create a list of variables
l3 = ["Hello", "World"]
print l3[1]

You can also replace elements in the list using the same technique, e.g.

// Replace World with ODSL
l3[1] = "ODSL"
print l3[1]

You can also iterate through the elements of the list using a for loop, e.g.

// Iterate through the list
for element in l3
    print element