Curve Service
The curve resource contains all your managed forward curve configurations
The Curve REST API is a full CRUD API allowing you to search and filter curve configurations and build information.
It is accessed through the following URL:
The API is broken into these sections:
- info - curve management configuration
- build - curve build information
- group - curve group information
Method | Path | Example | Description |
GET | Get the build information for this service |
Curve info API
Method | Path | Example | Description |
GET | {release}/info | v1/info | List all the curve management configurations |
GET | {release}/info/{key} | v1/info/TEST:CURVE | Retrieve a single curve configuration using it’s unique id |
PUT | {release}/info/tag/{tag} | v1/info/tag/PROD | Tag multiple curves with the same tag - body is a list of curve ids |
POST | {release}/info | v1/info | Create or update a curve configuration, the curve configuration is the JSON body of the POST request |
POST | {release}/info/{curve} | v1/info/TEST:CURVE | Manage a curve - no json body, info is generated from the real curve |
DELETE | {release}/info/{key} | v1/info/TEST:CURVE | Delete (unmanage) a curve configuration |
Curve build API
Method | Path | Example | Description |
GET | {release}/build | v1/build | List all the curve build information for the current ondate |
GET | {release}/build/{key} | v1/build/TEST:CURVE:2024-06-12 | Retrieve a single curve build information for the specified ondate |
GET | {release}/build/{ondate} | v1/build/2024-06-12 | List all curve build information for the specified ondate |
POST | {release}/build | v1/build | Update build information, the curve build information is the JSON body of the POST request - used for updates from external build applications |
DELETE | {release}/build/{key} | v1/build/TEST:CURVE:2024-06-12 | Delete the curve build information |
Group API
The curve management group API contains an extra url path section called type - referring to the group type, one of:
- build
- quality
- approval
- export
Method | Path | Example | Description |
GET | {release}/group/{type} | v1/group/build | List all the groups of the supplied type |
GET | {release}/group/{type}/{key} | v1/group/build/default | Retrieve a group |
PUT | {release}/group/{type}/{key} | v1/group/build/default | Add curves to this group, body is an array of curve ids |
POST | {release}/group/{type} | v1/group/build | Create/Update group information, the group information is the JSON body of the POST request |
DELETE | {release}/group/{type}/{key} | v1/group/build/default | Delete the named group |
Curve Approval API
This API is used to approve/unapprove curves
Method | Path | Example | Description |
GET | {release}/approval/{ondate} | v1/approval/2024-06-12 | List all the curves I need to approve for the supplied ondate |
POST | {release}/approval | v1/approval | Approve curves, body is an array of either string ids or objects with {curve, message} |
POST | {release}/rejection | v1/rejection | Unapprove curves, body is an array of either string ids or objects with {curve, message} |
Curve management entities
Curve management Configuration
Name | Description | Type |
_id | Unique id for the curve configuration | String |
_type | The type of the curve | String |
children | The list of child curves | List |
parents | The list of parent curves | List |
name | The name of the curve | String |
description | The description of the curve | String |
buildGroup | The name of the build group this curve belongs to | String |
qualityGroup | The name of the quality group this curve belongs to | String |
approvalGroup | The name of the approval group this curve belongs to | String |
exportGroups | The names of the export groups this curve belongs to | List |
Curve build information
Name | Description | Type |
_id | Unique id for the curve build information (obj:curve:date) | String |
curve | The curve management id | String |
ondate | The curve build ondate | String |
message | The status message | String |
score | A number representing the score for the day 4=No Issues, 3=Failed Checks, 2=Curve was substituted, 1=Curve Failed, 0=Holiday | Integer |
scoreInfo | Info about the score | String |
status | An object of status information approval/build/quality | String |
timestamp | The last time this build was updated | String |
timeline | A log of all actions taken on this build | List |
builds | A list of all the build attempts for this curve | Object(build) |
lastBuildId | The id of the last build attempt | String |
checks | A list of the quality checks performed | Object(check) |
Curve build group
Name | Description | Type |
type | Always 'build' | String |
name | Unique name for the curve build group | String |
description | Description of this group | String |
cron | The cron expression defining the cut-off time for curves in this group | Cron String |
offset | The day offset from the cron to the ondate (0=same day, -1=previous day) | Integer |
useLatest | A boolean indicating to use the latest valid build, false indicates to use the script instead to generate a substitute curve | Boolean |
script | The ODSL script name to use if useLatest=false | String |
calendar | The holiday calendar for the curves | String |
timezone | The timezone of the curves | String |
Curve quality group
Name | Description | Type |
type | Always 'quality' | String |
name | Unique name for the curve quality group | String |
description | Description of this group | String |
script | The name of the script containing the checks to perform | String |
checks | A list of check functions to run - objects as {expression,name} | List(Object) |
Curve approval group
Name | Description | Type |
type | Always 'approval' | String |
name | Unique name for the curve approval group | String |
description | Description of this group | String |
approvers | A list of user emails that can approve these curves | List(String) |
version | A name to tag the curve version with after being approved | String |
Curve export group
Name | Description | Type |
type | Always 'export' | String |
name | Unique name for the curve export group | String |
description | Description of this group | String |
cron | The cron expression defining when to run the export group script | Cron String |
offset | The day offset from the cron to the ondate (0=same day, -1=previous day) | Integer |
script | The ODSL script name to use | String |
expression | The expression to execute - usually a function call in the script e.g. export() | String |
calendar | The holiday calendar for the curves | String |
Function | Example | Description |
initialise | v1/2024-06-12 | Initialise curves for the specified ondate, ignores any curves already initialised |
initialise | v1/2024-06-12/TEST:CURVE | Initialise specified curve for the specified ondate |
build | v1/TEST:CURVE:2024-06-12 | Build a curve |
build | v1/TEST:CURVE with query param _range=between(2023-10-15,2023-10-20) | Build a curve for a range of dates |
check | v1/TEST:CURVE:2024-06-12 | Quality check a curve |
check | v1/default/2024-06-12 | Run all quality checks for the named quality group |
export | v1/ETRM/2024-06-12 | Export all curves in the named export group |
cutoff | v1/Oil/2024-06-12 | Run the build cut-off - substitute missing curves |
cutoff | v1/TEST:CURVE:2024-06-12 | Run the build cut-off for the named curve |
In the following examples {{url}} is the curve management REST URL:
Curve Info
### Get curve infos
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/info
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get curve info for a specific curve
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/info/AAA:EC
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Generate curve info from a curve
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/info/AAA:ECS
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Update curve info
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/info
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"name": "Anhydrous Milk Fat Average Auction Winning Price Curve Biweekly Italy",
"description":"Anhydrous Milk Fat Average Auction Winning Price Curve Biweekly Italy"
### Update multi curve info
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/info
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"tags": ["trader","smart"],
"description": "Combination of all MTE trader curves"
"tags": ["smart"]
### Bulk update tags
PUT {{url}}/curve/v1/info/tag/PROD
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
[ "AAA:EC","AAA:ECS" ]
### Delete a curve info
DELETE {{url}}/curve/v1/info/%23CLALIT.AMF.AVGAUC.WP:PRICE
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Curve Build
### Get build infos for current ondate
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/build
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get build infos for specific ondate
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/build/2023-10-23
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get build infos for specific ondate - filtered
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/build/2023-10-23
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get curve build info
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/build/2023-10-24/AAA:EC
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Update curve build
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/build
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"notes": "Built by hand"
### Update curve build from external build application
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/build
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"builds": {
"message": "Built by MATLAB",
"status": "built"
"status": {
"build": "built",
"buildMessage": "Built by MATLAB"
### Update multi curve builds
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/build
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"tags": ["trader","smart"]
"tags": ["smart"]
### Add a comment on a build
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/build
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"warning":"Jeff was off work, so couldn't provide data"
Build Groups
### Add a Build group
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/group/build
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"type": "build",
"name": "default",
"description": "Default Build Group",
"calendar": "BUSINESS",
"cron": "45 23 ? * MON-FRI * EU1",
"offset": 0,
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"useLatest": true,
### Get all build groups
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/group/build
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get a build group
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/group/build/default
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Delete a build group
DELETE {{url}}/curve/v1/group/build/default
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Bulk set group
PUT {{url}}/curve/v1/group/build/default
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
[ "AAA:EC","AAA:ECS" ]
Quality Groups
### Add a quality group
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/group/quality
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"checks": [
### Get all quality groups
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/group/quality
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get a quality group
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/group/quality/default
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Delete a quality group
DELETE {{url}}/curve/v1/group/quality/default
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Bulk set group
PUT {{url}}/curve/v1/group/quality/Agriculture
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Approval Groups
### Add a approval group
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/group/approval
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"approvers": [
### Get all approval groups
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/group/approval
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get a approval group
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/group/approval/default
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Delete a approval group
DELETE {{url}}/curve/v1/group/approval/default
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Bulk set group
PUT {{url}}/curve/v1/group/approval/default
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
[ "AAA:EC","AAA:ECS" ]
### Add an approval group to a curve info
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/info
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"approvalGroup": "default"
### Get my curves to approve
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/approval/2023-11-09
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Approve curves
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/approval
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"message": "Approved message"
### Approve curves
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/approval
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Reject curves
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/rejection
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"message": "Incorrect Data"
Export Groups
### Add a export group
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/group/export
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"cron":"00 02 ? * MON-FRI *",
### Get all export groups
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/group/export
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get an export group
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/group/export/SAP
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Delete an export group
DELETE {{url}}/curve/v1/group/export/default
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Bulk set group
PUT {{url}}/curve/v1/group/export/SAP
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
[ "AAA:EC","AAA:ECS" ]
### Remove export groups from a curve
POST {{url}}/curve/v1/info
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
"exportGroups": null
### Initialise ondate
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/2023-10-26
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Initialise ondate for a specific curve
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/2023-11-28/EEX.EM.FEUA.FUT:SC_BST_SETTLE
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Substitute a curve
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/AAA:CURVE:2023-11-10
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Build a curve
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/CORN_TEST_TYPE:CLOSE:2023-11-30
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Build curve history
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/AAA:ECS
Authorization: Bearer token
### Check a curve
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/ODSL.TRADER.AR.CRN.CME.FUT.TRADES:CURVE:2023-12-07
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Check a group of curves
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/default/2023-11-16
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Approve a group of curves
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/default/2023-11-16
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Export curves
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/ETRM/2023-11-10
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Individual curve export
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/ETRM/EEX.EM.FEUA.FUT:HIGH:2024-01-03
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Build group cut-off
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/Oil/2023-12-07
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Individual curve cut-off
GET {{url}}/curve/v1/EEX.EM.FEUA.FUT:HIGH:2024-01-03
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}