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Task Service

The task resource is a service to manage user tasks


The Task REST API is a full CRUD API allowing you to search and filter actions as well as update, version and delete them. It is accessed through the following URL:

The API consists of the following calls:

GETGet the build information for this service
GET{release}v1List all the tasks
GET{release}/{key}v1/64255eae35f43713c1afa927Retrieve a single task using its unique id
GET{release}/{key}/{version}v1/64255eae35f43713c1afa927/1Retrieve a version of a single task
GET{release}/{key}/*v1/64255eae35f43713c1afa927/*Get a list of versions for a specific task
PUT{release}/{key}/{version}/{tag}v1/64255eae35f43713c1afa927/1/PRODTag a version with a name (which can be used instead of the version number when retrieving it)
POST{release}v1Create or update a task, the task configuration is the body of the POST request
DELETE{release}/{key}v1/64255eae35f43713c1afa927Rollback to the previous version of a task, if it is the only version then the process will be deleted
DELETE{release}/{key}/{version}v1/64255eae35f43713c1afa927/1Delete a specific version of a task
DELETE{release}/{key}/*v1/64255eae35f43713c1afa927/*Fully delete a task, including all versions


Task Entity

The action entity contains the following information:

_idUnique id for the taskString
_typeThe type - always VarTaskString
categoryThe category of the taskString
userThe user to assign this task toString
descriptionThe description of the taskString
assignedByThe user or system that assigned the taskString
completeA boolean indicating if the task is completeBoolean
notifyA boolean specifying that you want to notify (by email) the user assign to this taskBoolean
createdA read-only timestamp of when the task was createdDatetime
completedThe timestamp of when the task was marked as completeDatetime


### Get build info
GET {{url}}/task
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### List my tasks
GET {{url}}/task/v1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### List tasks
GET {{url}}/task/v1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### List my open tasks
GET {{url}}/task/v1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Add a task
POST {{url}}/task/v1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

"category": "Validation Check",
"message": "What do you want to do about these issues?"

### Update a task
POST {{url}}/task/v1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

"_id": "{{id}}",
"category": "Validation Check",
"message": "What to do?"

### Complete a task
POST {{url}}/task/v1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

"_id": "{{id}}",
"complete": true

### Get a task
GET {{url}}/task/v1/64255eae35f43713c1afa927
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Get a list of versions of task
GET {{url}}/task/v1/64255eae35f43713c1afa927/*
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Get a version
GET {{url}}/task/v1/{{id}}/1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Tag a version
PUT {{url}}/task/v1/{{id}}/1/PROD
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Get a tagged version
GET {{url}}/task/v1/{{id}}/PROD
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### UnTag a version
DELETE {{url}}/task/v1/{{id}}/PROD
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Delete a version
DELETE {{url}}/task/v1/{{id}}
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Fully delete
DELETE {{url}}/task/v1/{{id}}/*
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}