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Process Execution Service

The resource for monitoring all your processes

Process Execution REST API

The Process Execution REST API is a read-only API allowing you to search and filter the process execution logs and accessed through the following URL:

The API consists of the following calls:

GETGet the build information for this service
GET{release}v1List process executions
GET{release}/{key}v1/private/6090915ad6a48d0b3c4f663dRetrieve a single process execution log using it’s unique id
POST{release}v1Manually trigger a process, then JSON body of the post must have a name property which is the name of the process


Process Execution Log

The process execution log contains the following information:

_idA unique execution idString
serviceThe service name of the process that was executedString
nameThe name of the processString
environmentThe data environment that the process was executed inString
triggerHow the process was triggered: 'scheduled' 'manual' 'subscription'String
reasonThe reason why the process was executedString
startThe timestamp of when the process startedString(DateTime)
endThe timestamp of when the process completedString(DateTime)
runAsThe user whose credentials the process was run asString
statusThe process execution status: 'triggered' 'running' 'success' 'failed'String
messageThe current information messageString
phasesInformation on the workflow phases of the executionPhase Entity[]
loaderMessageIf this was an ETL process, this is the status message of the loader portion of the processString
dataIf this was an ETL process, this is the list of data items that were updatedData Entity

Phase Entity

nameThe name of the phaseString
startThe timestamp of when the process startedString(DateTime)
endThe timestamp of when the process completedString(DateTime)
statusThe status of the phase: 'running' 'success' 'failed'String
messageThe current phase information messageString
logA list of string log messagesString[]

Data Entity

nameThe name of the phaseString
curvesA map of the dates and curve ids that were updatedDate mapped list of Strings
seriesA map of the dates and timeseries ids that were updatedDate mapped list of Strings

Example Process Execution JSON

"_id": "05f1ec1a-f2a1-4cba-87d4-b46e0f8e40b6",
"service": "ETL",
"name": "ECB_FX",
"environment": "production",
"trigger": "scheduled",
"status": "success",
"message": "Completed Successfully",
"reason": "crontab(ECB_FX,Thu Jul 01 2021 16:30:00 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time))",
"start": "2021-07-01T16:30:07.858Z",
"runAs": "com_walkfares",
"phases": [
"name": "EXTRACT",
"start": "2021-07-01T16:30:10.295Z",
"status": "success",
"message": "Completed EXTRACT",
"log": [
"2021-07-01T16:30:13.390935800Z[UTC] info Completed EXTRACT"
"end": "2021-07-01T16:30:13.390Z"
"name": "TRANSFORM",
"start": "2021-07-01T16:30:13.453Z",
"status": "success",
"message": "Completed TRANSFORM",
"log": [
"2021-07-01T16:30:16.283505300Z[UTC] info Completed TRANSFORM"
"end": "2021-07-01T16:30:16.283Z"
"name": "SEND",
"start": "2021-07-01T16:30:16.330Z",
"status": "success",
"message": "Completed SEND",
"log": [
"2021-07-01T16:30:17.096038200Z[UTC] info Completed SEND"
"end": "2021-07-01T16:30:17.096Z"
"name": "LOAD",
"start": "2021-07-01T16:30:17.322Z",
"status": "success",
"message": "Completed LOAD",
"log": [
"Updated 32 series for 2021-07-01"
"end": "2021-07-01T16:30:24.445Z"
"end": "2021-07-01T16:30:24.445Z",
"loaderMessage": "Updated 32 series for 2021-07-01",
"data": {
"curves": {},
"series": {
"2021-07-01": [

Listing Process Executions

Here are some examples of REST queries you can use with the process execution service.

Get a list of executions for a specific process

Get a list of executions for a process for a date range

Get a list of executions that failed for a date range

Running a Process

You can run a process by executing a POST method with a JSON body with a name property, e.g. to run the ECB_FX process:

Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

"name": "ECB_FX"

To pass parameters to the process, simply add these as properties under a ‘body’ property on the JSON in the body of the request, e.g.

Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

"name": "ECB_FX",
"body": {
"property1": "value"