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Process Service

The process resource contains all your process configurations


The Process REST API is a full CRUD API allowing you to search and filter processes as well as update, version and delete them. It is accessed through the following URL:

The API consists of the following calls:

GETGet the build information for this service
GET{release}v1List all your processes
GET{release}/{key}v1/TESTRetrieve a single process using its unique id
GET{release}/{key}/{version}v1/TEST/1Retrieve a version of a single process
GET{release}/{key}/*v1/TEST/*Get a list of versions for a specific process
PUT{release}/{key}/{version}/{tag}v1/TEST/1/PRODTag a version with a name (which can be used instead of the version number when retrieving it)
POST{release}v1Create or update a process, the process configuration is the body of the POST request
DELETE{release}/{key}v1/TESTRollback to the previous version of a process configuration, if it is the only version then the process will be deleted
DELETE{release}/{key}/{version}v1/TEST/1Delete a specific version of a process configuration
DELETE{release}/{key}/*v1/TEST/*Fully delete a process configuration, including all versions


Process configuration

The process configuration contains the following information:

_idUnique id for the process (or object id if this is not the latest version of the action)String
_typeThe type - always VarProcessString
serviceThe service of the process configurationString
nameThe name of the process configurationString
descriptionA description of the process configurationString
scriptThe name of the script that the process runs - a process either runs a script or a workflowString
workflowThe name of the workflow that the process runs - a process either runs a script or a workflowString
cronA cron expression used to schedule this processString
enabledA boolean indicating if this process is currently enabledBoolean
inputInputs which are used in the workflowObject
propertiesProperties whaich are used as meta-data about the processObject
settingsSettings used to configure the processObject
tagsA list of tags used to search for the processList(String)


### Get build info
GET {{url}}/process
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### List all processes
GET {{url}}/process/v1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### List all process names
GET {{url}}/process/v1?_distinct=_id
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Get a process
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Add a process
POST {{url}}/process/v1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

"_type": "VarProcess",
"service": "ETL",
"name": "AZURE_TEST",
"description": "Azure Test Process",
"enabled": true,
"workflow": "#wf_xml_data_loader",
"cron": "12 46 ? * * *",
"environment": "production",
"input": {
"url": "",
"tx": "#ECB_FX"

### Rename a process
PUT {{url}}/process/v1/AZURE_TEST
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

"_id": "AZURE_TEST1"

### Get a list of versions
GET {{url}}/process/v1/AZURE_TEST/*
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Get a process version
GET {{url}}/process/v1/AZURE_TEST/1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Tag a process version
PUT {{url}}/process/v1/AZURE_TEST/1/PROD
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Get a tagged version
GET {{url}}/process/v1/AZURE_TEST/PROD
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Delete a version
DELETE {{url}}/process/v1/AZURE_TEST
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Fully delete
DELETE {{url}}/process/v1/AZURE_TEST/*
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}