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Workflow Service

Workflow REST API

The Workflow REST API is a full CRUD API allowing you to search and filter workflows as well as update, version and delete them. It is accessed through the following URL:

The API consists of the following calls:

GETGet the build information for this service
GET{release}/{source}v1/public v1/privateList public or private workflows
GET{release}/{source}/{key}v1/private/TESTRetrieve a single workflow using its unique id
GET{release}/{source}/{key}/{version}v1/private/TEST/1Retrieve a version of a single workflow
GET{release}/{source}/{key}/*v1/private/TEST/*Get a list of versions for a specific workflow
PUT{release}/{source}/{key}/{version}/{tag}v1/private/TEST/1/PRODTag a version with a name (which can be used instead of the version number when retrieving it)
POST{release}v1Create or update a workflow, the workflow is the body of the POST request
DELETE{release}/{source}/{key}v1/private/TESTRollback to the previous version of a workflow, if it is the only version then the workflow will be deleted
DELETE{release}/{source}/{key}/{version}v1/private/TEST/1Delete a specific version of a workflow
DELETE{release}/{source}/{key}/*v1/private/TEST/*Fully delete a workflow, including all versions


Workflow Entity

The workflow entity contains the following information:

_idUnique id for the workflowString
_typealways VarWorkflowString
categoryThe category of the workflowString
descriptionThe description of the workflowString
scriptThe Base64 encoded script used to create the workflowString
phasesThe list of phases in this workflowList(String)
inputsThe list of inputs to the workflowList(VarArg)
outputsThe list of outputs from the workflowList(VarArg)
exitsThe list of exit transition namesList(String)

VarArg Entity

The VarArg entity is used for the input and output parameters of a workflow and contains the following:

_idThe variable name of the argumentString
optionalTrue if this is optional, false if it is mandatoryBoolean
argTypeThe variable type of the argumentString
_typeThe type of this entity - always VarArgString


### Get build info
GET {{url}}/workflow
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### List all public workflows
GET {{url}}/workflow/v1/public
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### List all public workflow names
GET {{url}}/workflow/v1/public?_distinct=_id
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### List all private workflows
GET {{url}}/workflow/v1/private
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### List all private workflow names
GET {{url}}/workflow/v1/private?_distinct=_id
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Get a private workflow
GET {{url}}/workflow/v1/private/workflow_test
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Get a list of versions of private workflow
GET {{url}}/workflow/v1/private/test/*
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Get a version of private workflow
GET {{url}}/workflow/v1/private/test/1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Tag a version of a private workflow
PUT {{url}}/workflow/v1/private/test/1/PROD
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Get a tagged version of workflow
GET {{url}}/workflow/v1/private/test/PROD
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Delete a version of workflow
DELETE {{url}}/workflow/v1/private/test
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}

### Fully delete a workflow
DELETE {{url}}/workflow/v1/private/test/*
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}