Data Service
The data resource contains all the complex data types like TimeSeries and Curve
The Data REST API is a read-only API allowing you to search and filter the complex data types and is accessed through the following URL:
The API is read-only because you must relate the data entity to an object entity - so saving and deleting object entities with data properties will save and delete those related data entities
REST Methods
The API consists of the following calls:
Method | Path | Example | Description |
GET | Get the build information for this service | ||
GET | {release}/{source} | 'v1/public' 'v1/private' | List public or private data items |
GET | {release}/{source}/{key} | v1/private/TEST:SPOT | Retrieve a single data item using its id |
Query Parameters
Below is a table of the query parameters that are usable with the data REST API
Parameter | Usable On | Example | Description |
tenor | Curve | tenor=M01 | Retrieves an historic TimeSeries of a specific tenor of a curve |
listTenors | Curve | listTenors | Lists all the relative tenors available in this curve |
_range last | TimeSeries | _range=last(3) | Returns the last n observations |
_range from | TimeSeries | _range=from(2021-03-01) | Returns all observations from the specified date |
_range from | TimeSeries | _range=from(2021-03-01,Europe/Paris) | Returns all observations from the specified date converted to the specified timezone |
_range between | TimeSeries | _range=between(2021-03-01,2021-03-31) | Returns only the observation within the specified range |
_range between | TimeSeries | _range=between(2021-03-01,2021-03-31,Europe/Paris) | Returns only the observation within the specified range in the specified timezone |
_id | Any | _id=MYCURVE:2021-03-01 | Used when retrieving multiple data entities from anywhere (use all as source) |
currency | Any | currency=USD | Converts the TimeSeries or Curve to the supplied currency |
units | Any | units=MT | Converts the TimeSeries or Curve to the supplied units |
__density | Any | __density=980 | When used in conjunction with unit conversion, this overrides the default density of the product being converted |
There are currently 2 types of data entities (and their sub-entities):
- TimeSeries
- TimeValue
- Status
- TimeValue
- Curve
- Contract
- Status
- Contract
TimeSeries Entity
Here are the properties of a TimeSeries
Name | Description | Type |
_id | Unique id for the TimeSeries (or object id if this is not the latest version) | String |
_type | The type of the entity - always VarTimeSeries | String |
description | A description of the TimeSeries | String |
start | The start timestamp of the TimeSeries | String(DateTime) |
calendar | The code for the calendar that this TimeSeries maps to | String |
timezone | The timezone of the observations | String |
currency | The currency code | String |
units | The units code | String |
properties | An object containing custom dynamic properties | Object |
_objid | The id of the object that this belongs to | String |
_dataid | The name of the data id in the object | String |
_access | The data access role that this data belongs to | String |
_objtype | The object type of the object that this belongs to | String |
_oid | The id of the calendar - will match _id if this is the latest version of the calendar | String |
_timestamp | Timestamp of when this calendar version was created | String(DateTime) |
_user | The user id (email) of the user that created this calendar verision | String |
_tag | A list of version tag names for this calendar version | String[] |
_version | The version number of this calendar version | int |
data | The time series observations | TimeValue[] |
TimeValue Entity
The TimeValue entity represents a single observation on a TimeSeries
Name | Description | Type |
time | The time point for this observation | String(DateTime) |
value | The value of this observation | String or Numeric |
status | A status object | Status |
Status Entity
The Status entity represents the quality, source and reliability status of a TimeValue or Contract entity
Name | Description | Type |
quality | The data quality 'UNCHECKED' 'VALID' 'FAILED' | String |
source | The data source 'NEW' 'CHANGED' 'IMPLIED' 'FILLED' 'CONVERTED' 'CALCULATED' | String |
reliability | The reliability status 'UNKNOWN' 'QUOTED' 'OBSERVED' 'UNOBSERVED' | String |
Each status value can optionally be suffixed with a ':' and some information about the status, e.g. quality=FAILED:Failed Spike Check of 5%
Curve Entity
Here are the properties of a curve
Name | Description | Type |
_id | Unique id for the curve (or object id if this is not the latest version) | String |
_type | The type of the entity - always VarCurve | String |
ondate | An object representing a CurveDate | CurveDate |
currency | The currency code | String |
units | The units code | String |
properties | An object containing custom dynamic properties | Object |
_objid | The id of the object that this belongs to | String |
_dataid | The name of the data id in the object | String |
_access | The data access role that this data belongs to | String |
_objtype | The object type of the object that this belongs to | String |
_oid | The id of the calendar - will match _id if this is the latest version of the calendar | String |
_timestamp | Timestamp of when this calendar version was created | String(DateTime) |
_user | The user id (email) of the user that created this calendar verision | String |
_tag | A list of version tag names for this calendar version | String[] |
_version | The version number of this calendar version | int |
contracts | An array of Contract entities | Contract[] |
Contract Entity
The contract entity represents a single tenor or contract on a forward curve
Name | Description | Type |
tenor | The tenor period code | String |
value | The value of this tenor | Numeric |
status | The status object | Status |
ondate | An object representing a CurveDate | CurveDate |
properties | An object containing some standard properties and any custom dynamic properties | Object |
The standard properties on a Contract are:
- absolute - The absolute period code of the tenor
- relative - The relative period code of the tenor
- expiry - The expiry or last trading date of the tenor
- start - The start of delivery if it is a delivered commodity
- end - The end of delivery if it is a delivered commodity
### Get build info
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get all public data types
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get a public data
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get a time-series range using last(n)
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get a time-series range using from(d)
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get a time-series range using between(d,d)
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get a time-series range for a list of data
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get a time-series range for a list of data using object filtering
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get a time-series range using from(n) with a rule date
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get a curve
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get ALL
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get data for multiple ids both private and public
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get data for multiple ids both private and public
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### Get Curve TimeSeries
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
### List curve tenors
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}